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Hi there! :wave: This had been included in a Renée Simonsen collection I´ve bought many, many years ago. Do you think this model is her? There´s no info about this picture, but looks it´s from a movie magazine. I wonder this is a screen shot. Because if Renée had been in another movie I think the press would have mentioned it somewhere.



^ stunning picture

Hi there! This had been included in a Renée Simonsen collection I´ve bought many, many years ago. Do you think this model is her? There´s no info about this picture, but looks it´s from a movie magazine. I wonder this is a screen shot. Because if Renée had been in another movie I think the press would have mentioned it somewhere.

i don't think it's her. specially because, as you've said, if it is really from a movie - the press would have mentioned it

Hi there! :wave: This had been included in a Renée Simonsen collection I´ve bought many, many years ago. Do you think this model is her? There´s no info about this picture, but looks it´s from a movie magazine. I wonder this is a screen shot. Because if Renée had been in another movie I think the press would have mentioned it somewhere.


No I do not think that she is Renee do you Miss Parker?

love your friend 4-eva

Hi there! :wave: This had been included in a Renée Simonsen collection I´ve bought many, many years ago. Do you think this model is her? There´s no info about this picture, but looks it´s from a movie magazine. I wonder this is a screen shot. Because if Renée had been in another movie I think the press would have mentioned it somewhere.


No I do not think that she is Renee do you Miss Parker?

love your friend 4-eva

:wave: Hi dear friend markymark! :heart: No, I don´t think it´s Renée. Like said, it would have been mentioned somewhere if she had another movie appearance. And the picture is so tiny you really can´t tell who she is.


I only have this cutout "fakers of the ´80s" from a U.S. GQ magazine, no date (seems Ted Danson is on the back), photos by Ron Capobianco


If anyone has a date, PLEASE, tell. THANKS in advance so much!

Do you think she´s Renée in the left?

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German VOGUE November 1987 "QUINTESSENZ FÜR IHRE SCHÖNHEIT" by Penn and german VOGUE December 1985 "Gold-Fieber" by Penn.

BUT: If ever someone finds out who the model in the left is, please post it here. I´m very curious about! THANKS!

Hi all! :wave:

Still no idea who she is, but sure not Renée. It´s the same model on this italian VOGUE bellezza October/November 1987 #30 cover by Penn. Anyone recognizes her now? Unfortunately the magazine had 3 missing pages and I don´t know if maybe exact these pages showed some more of this model. The missing editorial is called "Trattamenti: alleati vincenti". Can someone from Italy translate it, please?



I do not think that she is Renee


No idea where I got this scan from. The file is titled "GUCCI". Do you think she is Renée?


I don't think it's Renee.



I saw these picture on ebay, some one have the Renee pictures in big?

Hi armz1967! Hope all is well with you!

I have added them with my June update today. These are bigger, but not big:


italian VOGUE PELLE - January 1983 #10 - photographer: André Rau

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