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    engaged to Rhett =)

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  1. Hello dear, I hope you two had a wonderful wedding and enjoyed your honeymoon - wish you all the best :kiss: :kiss:

  2. Rhett is Canadian, I am Polish, we met and live now in London going to smell the new bulgari perfume today! the ralph lauren notorious one was just not good
  3. thank you so much!

  4. Hi Paulina! I don't know if you remember me, but I used to visit here in the good old days as well :) I just wanted to say my congratulations for you and Rhett! Take care xo

  5. WHOA, those are awesome news!! I'm so happy for the both of you! I remember Rhett mostly because I know you two were together -and I never quite forgave him you abandoned us here ;-). No, it's great, my best wishes for you and Rhett and lots of happiness!!

  6. Hi love, I'm good! I'm getting married to RHETT next week ;) dunno if you remember him, but well, this is where we met.

    Hope you are good too!! :hug:

  7. I'm just here to say a few things 1- not a big fan of Laetitia's blonde hair ;( hope she goes back to her beautiful chestnut/brownish color, what do yuo think?! 2-I'm getting married next week to A MEMBER OF THIS FORUM and this is where we met 3 years ago (Rhett) and left this place to be with each other so, girls, keep your eyes open you never know! and 3 - this is all thanks to laetitia If I didn't like her, I wouldn't have come here and my life would still be the same. So, in a way, it's all because I collected pictures of here and came across this board Since then, me and him moved to another countries, started our own business, got engaged and are getting married next week! anyway, I'll finish my mumbling right now, and I must say THANKS TO BELLAZON AND THANKS TO LAETITIA!
  8. Hey girl, how are you! So happy to hear from you! :kiss:

  9. Hi peeps I don't know if you still remember me (I most certainly remember Carmelita and Lolita and a few more of you ) I can't believe this thread is now over 700!! last time I was here, it was about 100! anyway, I think it's been almost 3 years since I posted here, hope you guys are good keep up the good work!!
  10. and I'm the lucky girl
  11. Adelaide, sometimes .... phew I will be gone for a while guys... take care of my fav thread, please
  12. this body scares me..
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