Hi all, long time lurker first time poster.
Thanks to everyone for making this great shrine with pretty much every single photo there is. Due to the big imagebam shutdown scare I went through the entire 900+ pages again and downloaded pretty much everything that caught my eye. Turns out it was a false alarm, but if anyone wants 2gb of our favourite model, you can benefit from my week of clicking and dragging and download what I got here - https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8H_o3iVhP1LMmZpRWdQeEZaQ3M
(I didn't get EVERY single image, just the ones that caught my eye. I also haven't bothered to clean it up yet so there are probably tons of duplicates and the folder dates are just rough, I'm sure I mixed some up along the way)
Anyway, I've been using your hard work posting images for the last couple of years to do drawings and have started posting them daily on instagram. I'm not very good and often fail miserably to capture that panda spark, but please forgive me!