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Iwona C

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  1. I see now why she hasn't posted anything about being excited for her outfits unlike other models, I wouldn't be excited either ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  2. I don't want to be negative but I'm honestly disappointed with her outfits, she deserved something better. Her body is goals tho, too bad one of the outfits covered it.
  3. I hope she gets 2 nice outfits
  4. OMG I'm so happy she actually walked the runway instead of just watching it. I know she isn't really a runway model but I really wish she walked more. Maybe that's just the beginning, I'm hopeful and happy for her.
  5. Did the l'oreal contract prevent her from going to previous VSFS castings? Because her contract barely ended and she went straight to shooting for VS and I don't know if it's coincidence or not.
  6. I wonder if she changed her stylist, because all of these looks are amazing 😂
  7. She looks amazing and for once i love the outfit!
  8. So apparently she will be in Venice from 29th till 2nd. Does that mean she is confirmed to walk and doesn't need to attend castings?🤔
  9. Wow, how could I forget about the existence of PINK... I wouldn't be surprised if they put her in PINK with some kind of terrible outfit and a newcommer that no one ever heard of would get 2 outfits with wings 😂 TBH I'm still pissed that last years show was edited in a way that Vanessa Moody closed it rather than Alessandra. It was really low, even for VS.
  10. I will be SHOOK if they won't let her walk 😂 Whenever she appears on their social media 90% of the comments are basically people saying "yass barbara" even when there are like 3 other models lol. And each year I saw hundreds of questions if she would walk that year, and it has been 6 years already 😂 She will get them views because people care about her more than the new angels 💁‍♀️ Personally I hope she will be accepted and get 2 nice outfits.
  11. Does anyone know when exactly are the castings? I heard it's this week and I wonder when we will know who will walk this year
  12. I love that she is not sucking up to VS by using only VS Sport for working out unlike other non-angels preparing for castings 😂
  13. This one is new as well
  14. Does anyone know what she was generally talking about? 😁
  15. What are your predictions? Will she walk this year? She is definitely fan favourite but I wonder if it's enough since last year they ditched a lot of popular veterans. For VSFS 2017 we had full list of models at the end of August so I guess soon we will know.
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