@Souled-Out I am not saying she cannot afford it but a $40 million home is super expensive to keep just as a backup incase something bad happens. I don't think it would be smart to just have it there when she is never in Miami anymore. I don't think we have seen her going there other then like once recently for FIFA. She has no family there nor appears to have any ties there anymore so if she is gonna have a backup home, a $40 million home valued 3-4 times the California home, doesn't make much sense. I get what you are saying about how it's good to have an extra space but maybe not one worth maybe a third of her net worth. I do think she owns a Hamptons home though.
I also think we need to keep in mind that she sold it and moved once she got pregnant. I agree it was quick but Andre wasn't just any boyfriend at that point anymore, they were having a baby and this meant he was going to be in her life forever at this point. I don't agree with all her decisions but I think she will be okay even if she doesn't have another home they can all go to.