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  1. Enzo Angiolini Fall 1999, lida by paolo roversi(?)
  2. i don't have this magazine but i know its from this issue (year is 2001). another mystery solved...
  3. Sorry i can’t scan any of these as my scanner unavailable but i guess still worth sharing for her fans to see
  4. @fakediorpurse her full name is vanessa castllejos (Group agency) as credited in a spanish magazine. nothing online about her.
  5. there is no missing pages the edit is only 7 pages. its common for many japanese magazines to do edits with odd pages numbers instead of even like most magazines do.
  6. I tried to scan it but my scanner is not working but i took snapshots of it. Its from 23-september-2000
  7. i remember seeing this in one of my magazines, i'll scan it if i see it again. its either madame figaro or elle from the text design.
  8. is the cover photo a reprint? i feel like i might have seen it before (its an arabic magazine)
  9. how is she pregnant? isn't she 50?
  10. she only use one name
  11. valerie celis
  12. i'm probably wrong but she looks like valerie sipp to me
  13. no idea who she is but not mayuko
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