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  1. I dids it. I found her. She is Angie with Platinum Models. https://www.instagram.com/angelinaradyno/
  2. Please help me Identify this Eastern European model who did a Bridal shoot in Korea. 📷 Yoo Chang-Hwan (AndYoo Studios) Dress: BBdBlanc MUA: Hyo Yeon I cannot find her modeling agency. I am looking for her name, her agency, or her IG.
  3. Hey. Thank you! I was able to find her on my own about 3 weeks ago. Appreciate it though
  4. Good lucky, Ali Express/Alibaba models are notoriously difficult to identify! Many sites on the internet sell the same products and the models are never mentioned. I do know this model is not Nastya Podgornova, Oksana Pasevych or Guste Varzinskaite who look similar and have also modeled on AliExpress. I've tried thoughly reverse-image searching, I've tried checking various Chinese modeling agencies based out of Huangzhou and Shenzhen where other AliExpress models are represented. So far I haven't located her. She looks like a combination of Sofia Redmand and Vasilina Panina. Who knew such a gorgeous person existed? ❤ See more photos here and here
  5. I'm afraid i don't have much to go on. Some other Sexy cookie models are Angelina Romashka (papimodel), Kristina Botukh (El_model_group), and Masha (AndyFiordModels) Perhaps one of them follows her on instagram. But I've not seen any mention of a name.
  6. I don't believe so. different eyecolor and eyebrow-shape. Also slightly different nose tip. But Thanks for the introduction, Karilyn is a suuuuper cutie!!
  7. b-Brilliant! Thanks a ton,mate! By the gods... She is ... exquisite! Don't suppose you've got any clues into the other 2 Ali Express models I can't identify? They are ... also goddesses. If not, no worries. Thanks a ton for your help
  8. Jesus christ, she's adorable. Let me know if you find out who she is. I got nothing.
  9. https://aliexpress.ru/item/32851335113.html I got nothing. She could be literally anybody. *Sigh* How is it that all these Ali-Express lingerie models are so gorgeous? Do they have a factory that just spits out gorgeous models no one can identify? It's getting crazy.
  10. Unfortunately I don't have anything to go on here; so this is a longshot. My reverse image searches weren't able to turn-up anything - and I've not come across her through any of the modeling agencies I follow. It stands to reason she is an international model, but her agency could be in asia or in europe - there isn't any rhyme or reason to where AliExpress hires its models from.
  11. Her name is Gigi Here is a link to her model page on Gemini Don't have much else to go on. Best of luck!
  12. Found another photo. Hope this helps.
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