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About gab6565

  • Birthday May 29

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    New York, New York

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  1. Kasia Struss
  2. Random question, does anyone know the history of the brands that the VSFS design team would use for the shoes? I noticed in 2005 they used Manolo Blahniks and then 2006/2007 switched over to Louboutins. 2008 was, 2010-2011 was Giuseppe Zanotti, 2012-2014 was Nicholas Kirkwood and Sophia Webster, and 2015-2018 they used Brian Atwood. Just thought this could be interesting to discuss! Do they always buy designer heels and then customize them or have they ever made shoes from scratch (like the wings)? Also, I find it so interesting that despite Gisele being one of the biggest angels, she rarely wore wings. I'm sure this was her decision obviously. But I'm sure VS must have been somewhat disappointed since the wings were so iconic. I always thought that maybe she didn't open the 2003 show because they like to open the show with wings to draw attention.
  3. Does anyone happen to have the 2003 show in video form? or at least the last segment, "Glaaaaaamazons?" I've been trying to find it online with audio and can't at all! thanks in advance. With all this free time at home I've been watching the older shows and remembering how fierce and sexy they used to be.
  4. No matter which way you look at it, the part about Andi Muise and Ed Razek is so sad. He should not be approaching models to have private dinners and go on dates and email inappropriately. Also makes me wonder which girls "gave in" and got given priority to walking the show or becoming angels.
  5. VS would surely pay more because they are a brand, not a publication. Brand campaigns/shoots .= money. However, for magazines, it's totally different because typically the model will forego their normal shoot rate in exchange for the visibility/prestige the magazine would provide them, and/or the chance to work with a very established photographer or stylist.
  6. Lol Timur can thank his connections to Ale for his "in." His photography is SO bland and completely lacks any attention to detail, composition, or lighting. He just has a nice camera and slaps on a filter. He's honestly really luck he gets to shoot bigger models, because his shots do absolutely nothing for them. If he was truly a good photographer, VS or any other company or magazine would be using him regularly (like they do with Jerome). He's basically a glorified street style artsy paparazzi photographer. I've seen him multiple times wait outside events, just like a paparazzi, to get shots of these girls (like for example, at VS castings). A few models and influencers that I know that have worked with him have confirmed that he is creepy.
  7. Am I the only one that thinks Taylor is awful at modeling? She 100% has the look but her posing and facial expressions are always super uninspiring. She never looks like she's giving anything her all and her face always has that "bored" look. Just my opinion though!
  8. I understand, but wouldn't he have had to retouch the image used for the cover? Unless the magazine did the retouching themselves (which I doubt as the photos look like a typical David Bellemere shoot with the same filters and retouching style...). If he truly wanted to protect Sara he would have deleted any footage that showed nudity or at the very least ensured that it didn't get into the magazine's hands. He probably just didn't care enough as he's shot Sara nude before. He probably also may have been naive to think that Lui could be trusted. Then again, this is a photog that has worked with the magazine countless times. He must know how the editors are and I really don't think he's totally innocent in the grand scheme of things. Don't get me wrong, the magazine is definitely in the wrong for running the shots. But it does seem like David at least enabled the situation. I'm a photographer too and I can tell you that on a shoot the photographer has a lot of power and say in the composition. If I knew that the model was adamant about no nudity, I would have put in my best effort to ensure that she is totally covered and that NO "accidental" shots are submitted. It could have been a total accident but the fact that the shot is retouched, presumably from David's camp, is really shady.
  9. QUESTION: At the end of the day, wasn't David Bellemere the one who took, retouched, and submitted the photo with Sara's nipples to Lui?! If he was truly "defending" Sara on set, why would he then release and retouch footage of Sara with her nipples out to the magazine? Especially if there was an agreement that went against nudity - which I'm sure he was aware of considering he is the freaking photographer! It's understandable that in some shots some nipples may pop out. But how did the photos go from his camera to the front cover? Wouldn't he have warned Sara if he was coerced into submitting that shot? She seemed genuinely surprised it was used for the cover. I doubt the Lui people would have direct access to the footage, the photographer always handles everything. It's just shady. Maybe Sara doesn't want to burn her bridge with David since he's more involved in the fashion scene than say, Lui magazine?
  10. QUESTION: At the end of the day, wasn't David Bellemere the one who took, retouched, and submitted the photo with Sara's nipples to Lui?! If he was truly "defending" Sara on set, why would he then release and retouch footage of Sara with her nipples out to the magazine? Especially if there was an agreement that went against nudity - which I'm sure he was aware of considering he is the freaking photographer! It's understandable that in some shots some nipples may pop out. But how did the photos go from his camera to the front cover? Wouldn't he have warned Sara if he was coerced into submitting that shot? She seemed genuinely surprised it was used for the cover. I doubt the Lui people would have direct access to the footage, the photographer always handles everything. It's just shady. Maybe Sara doesn't want to burn her bridge with David since he's more involved in the fashion scene than say, Lui magazine?
  11. Kinda sad that Candice and Bee got Top Shop. Especially when placed with the nepotism crowd (Presley Gerber and Sofia Richie, WTF). I would have expected way more from Candice for her comeback, probably Givenchy or Versace.
  12. I just meant that he isn't at all a successful model compared to her. If you check his thread, he's done very basic, minimal work. Wether his family is wealthy or not, I have absolutely no clue. ___________________________ There was a talk a few pages back about who does a good job on social media. In my opinion, Jasmine, Jo, Elsa, Romee, Sara, and Taylor do a really good job with their Instagrams. They are basically approaching blogger territory in the frequency and quality of content in their posts, which, imo, is a really good thing that will help push their careers. When will VS finally let Martha go? I feel like she's just been "there" for the past year or two and I don't think she has any distinguishable quality out of all the other girls. Her only redeeming quality was being American and being besties with Taylor Swift, but it's kinda played out at this point. I hope to see VS cut more angels in 2017. They need to focus more on letting each girl shine over having many girls. Personally, I would get rid of Romee and Martha ASAP. They bring nothing to the table really.
  13. Wouldn't surprise me tbh. Behati has Adam's $$$ and I feel like Candice doesn't want to have to travel a lot/leave Brazil/get in tip-top shape for work. Remember, she was known for her body and will undoubtedly always be compared to it and held to a very high standard. Also, a friend of mine lives in the same NYC building as her and told me that her apartment has been on the rental market for months now. I found the listing online too that confirms it. Who knows. If she was smart, she saved all her money and can live financially comfortably for the rest of her life. Modeling is short lived and it's not like Hermann is bringing in the dough. I still feel that she will work here and there. But I don't know if it will be as a VS angel.
  14. The Erin story is totally believable to me. She may even burn some bridges too, which is a risk one takes with making statements like that. But look at the facts. Erin was EVERYWHERE (along with Candice) circa 2011/2012, and then just dropped. She was at her thinnest when working with VS, and as soon as she started to noticeably gain weight, her relationship with VS was awkward (barely using her, uncertainty regarding her walking in 2013) and eventually terminated. She never looked happy in pap pictures of her at VS events toward the end of her contract. For any of you that have been following Erin's career, you know that she is not naturally very skinny. Her high school pics all show her being a relatively normal weight, and then she slimmed down significantly for high fashion, which then turned into VS. Her siblings/parents are all of a much bigger build too, leading me to believe that her skinniness was not attained by healthy means. Heck, she even got a nose job as a teenager (evident if you look at her old pics circa 2007), so something like an eating disorder to please a single, million dollar client, isn't too far fetched. I really believe that her leave was mutual. I think Erin hit her breaking point and was simply not being able to handle the pressure to be extremely skinny that VS (explicitly or passively) may have put on her, as well as the company itself being displeased with her "new" look and work ethic. It was probably best for both of them to terminate the contract, and I'm sure we will never know who initiated it. It's clear from the article that what Erin was doing was not healthy to her mental nor physical health. It's very obvious that VS likes their girls to look a certain way...just look at their "Newest Angels." While they all look very different, it's hard to argue that they aren't all absurdly skinny. Romee/Stella/Vita especially.
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