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  1. Cool! Thanks a lot, Povad!
  2. Love her! Editorial master! Does anyone have her COS work?
  3. Amazing to see her again! Such a beauty! Best of luck to her! Here's to seeing much more work🥂
  4. Thanks! Amazing posts❤️Why we're not seeing more of her is beyond me.
  5. Love her for COS. Absolutely captivating! This aesthetic suits her perfectly.
  6. Could the thread be renamed to Bibi Breslin?
  7. Thank you, kimflorida! Happy New Year! 😉
  8. Nobody knows? She's all over COS website, but models.com doesn't list her in their list of COS models. So strange. She is gorgeous and so elegant.
  9. Thank you very much
  10. Could this be Korina?
  11. Hi, @Nicole Lilly, thanks for the photos! When is this from?
  12. Breathtaking! Thank you, @ArianaVSCouture!
  13. About the documentary... it was so long ago, but I don't think they showed the runway show... Julia and another blonde model were definitely wearing crinolines (most certainly from the Galliano collection) but it was sort of a video segment shot in what reminds me of Vienna horse stables (if you google Vienna stables you will know what I mean :D), an immense beautiful hall and they were running and acting as the models did in the runway show, like they were lost or in panic etc. flailing crinoline skirts all over the place It bugs me now, as well... So weird it's impossible to find online.
  14. Thank you so much, dear @ArianaVSCouture, for so many amazing runway photos of Julia! Yet another thread lives because of your efforts! 🙏
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