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About vatras

  • Birthday 03/19/1988

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  1. Sorry to disappoint you, I have been a fan of Candice since 2007 and i can tell you its just an angle thing. I know because i tried to rebuild her in a game years ago, and like you, i noticed her nose tilt, but that was at the beginning of her career. Candice got older, and her face got a bit more skinny over the years. Lets not forget she was pregnant twice, something that changes a womans face ever so slightly. In addition, the nose continues to grow with age.
  2. Shes on fire. Shes killing it lately.
  3. Her body is just insane. Thanks for these.
  4. Well sorry if my opinion offended you. I am a huge fan of Taylor and her Work (that´s why shes my profile pic after all) and i don't mind her short hair as it is her choice. But i prefer her with longer hair, and in a topic dedicated to her, I should be able to say that now cant I?
  5. Lets just hope shes going back to a longer style soon. I tried to lengthen it with Faceapp, but the app now thinks shes a guy so... yeah.
  6. And here i was hoping she would let her hair grow out again. Well not a big fan to be fair, but if shes happy with it thats the main thing.
  7. Well good for her if she likes her hair short. I personally think she looks way better with long hair. She looks very beautiful sexy and sweet with her long hair. I hate the fact that she did this shortly before the VS Show this year, so the pics will have her with short hair. I am not a fan of that at all. Yes she did pull it off a couple of years ago and she had some stunning moments, but overall her long hair suit her a lot better. Like I said, good for her if she likes it, but I hope this is just a phase and nothing permanent.
  8. So i did the work again. I scanned through every one of the new Lavarice Pics so far. Cropped the stupid white borders, tried to sort them (at least by color and pose) and tried to find the best resolution for each image. Took me way to long and i wish the would just release them in sets and cropped. Obviously all the pics can be found here in the topic. Just not cropped and sorted. 1528417947_ElsaLavarice.rar
  9. So with @phenobarbies okay: These are the AI uncensored images. I added a little watermark as requested. Pleas note that this is not some magic that “uncensored” the image or the unreleased original. Its an edit made by an AI that may or may not resemble the original. It goes without saying, but I don’t want to offend anyone with these pics, especially not Josephine or Cameron. I just personally think that these blurs ruined the overall image. Same for white bars in front of nipples or big white borders on the site of a pic to get the magazine/instagram effect. In the case of Josephine, nothing was added that we haven't seen before, since her naked bum can be seen by doing a quick google search, so I don’t understand why it was even censored in the first place.
  10. I would like to get a mods opinion on that. Like you said, these are basically fakes that should be clear. Until I get an official statement from the mod team, I will delete them. So could a mod pleas clarify if AI “uncensored” images are okay or not?
  11. done already The one on the bed does not work, at least not to a good looking degree Edit: Removed until mod conformation
  12. I used AI to "uncensore" the images. Don t know if its allowed or even wanted. But these are the results Edit: Removed until mod conformation.
  13. Does anyone have these pics in higher resolution? I know VS had them in 4k at some point, but I cant find them on there website anymore.
  14. absolutely stunning as always.
  15. She should be. Shes definitely more of a active model then others in the model section are.
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