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  1. Wow. That "Angel" outfit IS NOT CUTE. But she pulls it off. Did the VS Angels only get two outfits again this year?
  2. It's a shame this page isn't more active. Though I guess I understand since I just found it..
  3. Sad past is.. You know those people are likely to be a bunch of fatties who only wish they could look as good as she does post baby.
  4. It disgusts me and hurts my soul to know people are out there body shaming Candice after giving birth to her son. I wish I looked like her post baby and I have never had kids!
  5. +1 I LOVE seeing photos of Candice's growing family. Her babies are precious. And let us not forget that she has been known to read comments here. I would have it if she stops sharing her love with her fans because of people being inappropriate. And really.. was that comment about her son really necessary? The answer is no . If you want to be that person and shit talk about Candice.. fine. But leave her family out of it.
  6. Maybe they haven't settled on a name yet?
  7. My guess was a June baby. June aint over..YET.
  8. THAT BELLY! ?Surely it wont be long now.
  9. I was under the impression that she was 3/4 months at the time she announced it in December. People usually announce after they hit the second trimester. So it could be possible that it is in fact a May/June baby. But I'm not Hermann or Candice or even in their circle. So what do I know.
  11. I wonder if she'll go back to blonde after she pops that baby out. It's likely she's just growing her hair out because it's not good to dye when expecting.
  12. Candice Swanepoel! I love Gisele but between those covers. Candi hands down.
  13. I don't know if I would go far as saying that it's been said that if she had a girl, that she would look like her mini twin 100% . We just hope that she does if it's a girl. That being said. I'm thinking it's another boy.
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