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  1. Yes. I believe Madonna was one of them.
  2. I also think part of it was his choice. I that he just no longer wanted to make films.
  3. He has a horrible temper. He’s been accused of domestic abuse. He went to jail for physically assaulting someone on set and he also spent time in jail for reckless driving. He’s assaulted others throughout the years too, but hasn’t gone to jail for those. I think he was too high a risk for films to get insurance for.
  4. Sounds great! I love a comedic Leo. Thanks, AliceT
  5. That’s great! Thanks Akatosh!
  6. Love it! 😍 Unfortunately, the account is private, so can’t view the videos, but the picture is adorable.
  7. https://youtube.com/shorts/2HFqAf2XftY?si=GvdDp1Rtvp5cumNg Leo dancing 🕺
  8. Thank you everyone for all the pics and gifs and videos! I hope Leo is having a wonderful 50th birthday.🎂
  9. Gorgeous! Especially for a 50 year old. 😊
  10. Thank you for your time with this!
  11. Here’s just Leo’s portion. RPReplay_Final1728525040.mov
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