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  1. Agree, a real beauty, her eyes, lips, legs. Everythings looks great on her.
  2. Thanks for the videos but, it would be nice to put it on another hosting than K2S cause not all of us has a Premium Account so I have to wait so long to download and see it. I suggest Gofile.
  3. I agree with all of you, she's in great shape as always and no way someone could put her in a breakdown.
  4. We all had it. It was kinda like, hey I don't even remember last time I saw her with clothes on!
  5. Thanks Dude, of course the same is for every thread! 😜
  6. Well, just saying my POV, I'm not the only one who doesn't like those montages. I'm here for new content. If I want to search for wallpapers, I'll try somewhere else! No offence!
  7. Same to me. It's not new content, just old pictures side by side.
  8. And I don't!
  9. It was from her IG.
  10. Wow, after 8 months!
  11. Can I say she is the most classy over there?
  12. I don't think is about "how much we love to date her" cause tipically this will never happen for anyone of us. I think it's more being happy for her if she dates someone who makes her feeling good.
  13. Well, anyway, all of us would be have her as our personal assistant! So lucky guy! ;-D
  14. Agree. We care about NEW content, not old stuff that is already here. Thanks
  15. Totally Agree!
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