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  1. So thats the special project that Hung and Harry posted of her at around feb 12- feb 13
  2. Yeah I think at this point the Angel status should be gone . Its fine they get to work with as much models as they want.
  3. Well theres a non angel there Solange Van Doorn shes shooting for VS as well and on her last IG story she is playing with Taylor’s dog Tate
  4. Non Angels in this Campaign : Birgit Kos, Lorena Duran, Winnie Harlow
  5. Its Ali Tate Cutler the size 14 model thats doing the press for Bluebella, lots of comments about “finally VS having thicker girls “ from ppl I dont remember if Solange had this much attention when she did the press for FLLforVS 2 weeks ago but im not sure if shes considered plus size? And she has a small following compared to Ali actually VS didnt really promote the FLL press or this one in their IG stories or posts i guess ..
  6. Ruven Afanador is the photographer for this location
  7. I think Zoey Grossman is a good photographer Grace is the only Angel that shot this collection, Winnie Harlow, Solange Van Doorn , Devon Carlson , Hailey Clauson are the models in that video and Jasmine Sanders has a lot of pics in the VS website.
  8. That’s good that they are having their angels do meet and greets.. promote them So far no photoshoot/ commercial of holiday collection that we know of .. maybe in September .
  9. Oh wow why is VS down to 321 posts only now . Why delete the past 7 years of IG posts away ?
  10. I noticed so far this year not too much focus on Victoria Sport and “Train Like an Angel” Lifestyle as well. Like the last IG post of victoriasport was June 29.
  11. What a bummer it’s raining in Miami so I don’t know if the Leomie Lais Lorena group will get to shoot VS swim..
  12. I love her one but at the same time I’m like well I still haven’t seen her photo work with VS so really hope now she gets to shoot the campaigns , swim , a commercial etc .
  13. Well.. okay that’s so much angels now.. and I really wish we have more WOC in the angel line up ..
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