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  1. Cleavage queen.
  2. I wish I had more people to talk to about her.
  3. I'm sorry but her body/figure is RIDICULOUS.
  4. Does anyone have that video/story of her in the Raiders jacket/black top and cap? It pans up from below, she holds the brim of her cap and then folds her arms.
  5. I just discovered her and I am OBSESSED.
  6. Still one of my absolute fav looks of hers. Black bras kill me, but black bras under see through tops is my kryptonite.
  7. It can't just be me who is super bummed we'll likely never see her properly shoot bras for VS again.
  8. Is it wrong for me to be WILDLY obsessed with her breasts?
  9. I watched her in L.A.'s Finest and was just floored by how hot she still is...also her rack.
  10. I love how busty she is. Consistently serving. She's one of my Top 3, but where Lais/Jo have dry periods, Kelly SERVES constantly.
  11. I'll miss the HELL out of seeing her in VS lingerie. In memoriam: What's everyone's fav bra pic of her?
  12. Bikini Lovers is fine, and Jo looks hot constantly, but there's nothing like seeing her rock a VS bra. Sad.
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