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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)

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Thanks Barbie for the pic and it looks new to me :wub6yh2cm:, Jade for the Titanic trivia and film review (the kissing scene should have definitely stayed 😍, as well as some additional scenes between Rose and Cal) and I'd like to read more of the review and ox for the new movie news:biggrin:


Thx for the lovely feedback, I very much appreciate :flower:


So here the 2nd part of my review :p


Another scene I really really love is this playful one:

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It's more or less the last scene seeing them fooling around like the precious kids they are (what makes it even more heartbreaking). I love this part of their relationship so much. Rose is so different with Jack than she is with Cal, so full of life, it's wonderful. Just love it.


One deleted scene actually suprised me. It's the one where Jack and Lovejoy were fighting. When I only saw this scene back in 2012 it didn't work for me AT ALL. In fact I hated it. But back IN the movie... it kinda worked for me. I don't know why exactly. Maybe it's the atmosphere, it's a bit scary and thrilling (it's shot really well I have to say - if I remember correctly it was the most expensive scene from the movie, kinda ironic it got cut in the end) . Or maybe because of the rythm of the whole chasing scene that made more sense to me now with Lovejoy including. I mean in the original movie Jack and Rose are running and running even though Cal stopped following them long ago even yelling a goodbye. Not to mention they are both suddenly wet like drowned kittens.


And for all who are looking for lost parallels here's another one back:




Plus Leo looks really hot all wet and angry LOL



The most shocking deleted scene is probably Coras death. Still don't know what to think about it. But I mean that's it. That's what happened this night. People died. Children died.



Another scene which hits me really hard was the one Ida Straus telling her husband she wouldn't go into a lifeboat without him after he refused to get into a lifeboat before women and children. "As we have lifed, so will we die. Together." I was a mess after that. Two real life heros :heart:



One last scene which really gave me some goosebumps was the one right before Rose stepping into a lifeboat (just to jump right away out of it but whatever LOL). In this scene a man is trying to give her a letter for his wife in case Rose will survive the sinking. It was heartbreaking because he knew he wouldn't survive the night. He's talking and talking while Rose is getting overwhelmed by desperate more and more. Great acting by Kate again.



Those scenes I was talking about in the other post. Just little snippets which make the whole movie a bit more personal. Learning about such sad things about the other passengers. I really felt it.


While seeing this scene ...






... the only thing I thought was well, maybe this would have stopped the whole irritating debate if Jack could have fit next to Rose. He probably would have, but it never was the space it's about the weight. Please show me the smart ass people who had put the life jacket under the damn wreckage to survive both of them LOL


@akatosh I liked two things about the alternate ending: Rose saying to Brock Lovett "you looking for treasure in the wrong place only life is priceless and making each day count" - a little parallel to Jacks speech while 1rst class dinner.


And the second one when she looked up at heaven seeing a shooting star. It's like Jack sending her a little message. Maybe a bit corny but I couldn't help but like it :p


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A little bit more information about Don't Look Up plot , it appears that Leo will play Jen's boss



2020-11-24 (3).png





Tks for your latest thought and images from Titanic :) 


The names and jobs of Leo and Jen's characters in  Don't Look Up


Leo’s character is married ( June) with 2 sons 



Scientist Kate Dibiasky works for tenured Michigan State professor Randall Mindy



More set pix



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Thanks Jade for the follow up review! I liked reading the additional scenes with the minor characters in the film, and that cute scene with Jack and Rose :biggrin:. The original ending of Titanic was better than the alternate version. Thanks ox and Jade for all of the new info! I can't wait until shooting's complete :smile:!


Thank you all for latest news:heart:


Due to lack of Leo content I decided to post the article from German Vogue, hope you guys wouldn't mind.


15 Fotos von Leonardo DiCaprio in den 90ern (glauben Sie uns, das ist es, was Sie jetzt brauchen)

Ob Langeweile im “Lockdown light" oder eine willkommene Ausrede, sich im Home Office kurz ablenken zu lassen: Wir haben uns erlaubt, die ultimative Leonardo-in-den-1990er-Jahren-Galerie zusammenzustellen – bedanken Sie sich später.



Leonardo DiCaprio: Ikonische Bilder aus den 90er-Jahren

Während die Pandemie unser tägliches Leben weiterhin verändert, haben wir langsam Netflix leergeguckt (Stichwort: eine ausgeprägte Sucht nach “The Crown”) und uns wieder einmal die Hollywood-Blockbuster der Vergangenheit zu Gemüte geführt – ein Zeitvertreib, der das VOGUE-Team auf eine ganz spezielle Spur der 90er-Jahre-Erinnerungen geführt hat: Die Erinnerung an den ehemaligen Rising Star Leonardo DiCaprio (heute 46) und die Ära, die zu seinem Status als Teenie-Idol und Hollywood-Ikone führte.


Nach seinem Durchbruch auf der großen Leinwand in “Irgendwo in Iowa” (1993), für den der damals 19-Jährige sowohl eine Oscar- als auch eine Golden-Globe-Nominierung erhielt, war DiCaprio auf dem besten Weg, der gefragteste Jungschauspieler der Welt zu werden. Es folgte eine Hauptrolle in Baz Luhrmanns Kulthit "Romeo + Julia" (1996) an der Seite einer ebenso aufstrebenden Claire Danes. Ein Jahr später erschien unser absoluter Große-Gefühle-Lieblingsfilm “Titanic” (1997), der DiCaprio als einen der größten Herzensbrecher der Filmgeschichte bestätigte und von Teenager-Mädchen (und -Jungen) auf der ganzen Welt geliebt wurde.


Entdecken Sie hier die VOGUE-Auswahl der 15 Fotos, die den Stil des jungen Leonardo DiCaprio in den 1990er Jahren am besten repräsentieren (wir schließen für 2021 eine Wiederbelebung von Cordhosen und getönten Brillen nicht aus).




DiCaprio in einem Double-Denim-Look, gepaart mit zweifarbigen Oxford-Schuhen für ein Cover-Shooting im Jahr 1995 

© Mikel Roberts



Das Lächeln, mit dem er Teenagerherzen auf der ganzen Welt eroberte: Leonardo DiCaprio 1995 in New York 

© Catherine McGann



DiCaprio mit dem für ihn typischen Haar-Style im Jahr 1995

© Time & Life Pictures



DiCaprio bei den Oscars 1994 in Los Angeles, wo er für seine Nebenrolle in “Irgendwo in Iowa” nominiert war 

© Barry King



Bei der Premiere von “Romeo + Julia” im März 1997 trägt der junge DiCaprio einen der größten Trends der späten 90er, der derzeit wieder genauso angesagt ist: eine rauchfarbige, eckige Sonnenbrille. 

© Fred Duval



1995: Im Baggy-Sweater und mit farbiger Perlenhalskette – ein sehr passender Look in DiCaprios 90er-Garderobe.  

© Ron Davis



DiCaprio in Hemd und brauner Lederjacke bei einer Party zur Promotion des Films “Total Eclipse” im National Arts Club, New York

© New York Daily News Archive



DiCaprio im geöffneten Hemd und Anzug bei den 51. Golden Globes, wo er ebenfalls für seine Rolle in “Irgendwo in Iowa” nominiert war.

© Terry McGinnis



DiCaprio bei der Premiere von “Reality Bites – Voll das Leben” in LA in einem Hemd mit Stehkragen, einem Pinstripe-Anzug in Dunkelblau und – einer Halskette mit farbigen Perlen. 

© Barry King



DiCaprio, mit bunten Perlen, bei der Ankunft zur “Benny & Joon”-Premiere 1993 in os Angeles  

© Ron Davis



DiCaprio circa 1994 in Los Angeles – in brauner Wildlederjacke und einem schwarzen Hemd – auch in jungen Jahren hatte der Schauspieler schon eine Art Lieblingsgarderobe. 

© Ron Davis



Am Set des Woody Allen-Films “Celebrity” mit Kenneth Branagh im Jahr 1998

© Sunset Boulevard



Ein zerzauster DiCaprio-Pottschnitt und eine lässige Lederjacke: Ein typischer 90er-Look des Schauspielers

© Kevin.Mazur/INACTIVE



DiCaprio bei der Londoner Premiere von “Titanic” im Jahr 1997: Immer noch in seinem ruhigen, lässigen Stil, aber hier mit Zweiteiler und Fliege.

© David M. Benett



DiCaprio am Set von “Romeo + Julia” 1996 – ein Film, der später zum Kult-Klassiker wurde und den Star ins Rampenlicht brachte

© 20th Century Fox/Kobal/Shutterstock










eng version (I don't know German so I translate by Google, sorry if mistakes🙁)

15 photos of Leonardo DiCaprio in the 90s (Believe us, this is what you need now)

Whether boredom in the “lockdown light” or a welcome excuse to let yourself be briefly distracted in the home office: We took the liberty of putting together the ultimate Leonardo-in-the-1990s-gallery - thank you later.


Leonardo DiCaprio: Iconic Pictures from the 90s

While the pandemic continues to change our daily lives, we've slowly emptied Netflix (keyword: a pronounced addiction to “The Crown”) and once again relied on the Hollywood blockbusters of the past - a pastime that the VOGUE team for one very special trace of the 90s memories: the memory of the former rising star Leonardo DiCaprio (now 46) and the era that led to his status as a teenage idol and Hollywood icon.


After his big screen breakthrough in “Somewhere in Iowa” (1993), for which the then 19-year-old received both an Oscar and a Golden Globe nomination, DiCaprio was well on the way to becoming the world's most sought-after young actor to become. This was followed by a leading role in Baz Luhrmann's cult hit "Romeo + Julia" (1996) at the side of an equally ambitious Claire Danes. A year later, our all-time favorite, Titanic (1997) came out, acknowledging DiCaprio as one of the greatest heartbreakers in movie history and loved by teenage girls (and boys) around the world.


Discover here VOGUE's selection of 15 photos that best represent the style of young Leonardo DiCaprio in the 1990s (we're not ruling out a revival of corduroy trousers and tinted glasses in 2021 ).



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DiCaprio in a double-denim look paired with two-tone Oxford shoes for a cover shoot in 1995 

© Mikel Roberts


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The smile with which he captured teenage hearts all over the world: Leonardo DiCaprio in 1995 in New York 

© Catherine McGann


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DiCaprio with his typical hair style in 1995

© Time & Life Pictures


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DiCaprio at the 1994 Oscars in Los Angeles, where he was nominated for his supporting role in "Somewhere In Iowa" 

© Barry King


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At the premiere of “Romeo + Juliet” in March 1997, the young DiCaprio wore one of the biggest trends of the late 90s, which is currently just as popular again: smoky-colored, square sunglasses. 

© Fred Duval


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1995: In a baggy sweater and with a colored pearl necklace - a very fitting look in DiCaprio's 90s wardrobe.  

© Ron Davis


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DiCaprio in shirt and brown leather jacket at a party to promote the film “Total Eclipse” at the National Arts Club, New York

© New York Daily News Archive


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DiCaprio in an open shirt and suit at the 51st Golden Globes, where he was also nominated for his role in “Somewhere in Iowa”.

© Terry McGinnis


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DiCaprio at the premiere of “Reality Bites - Voll das Leben” in LA in a shirt with a stand-up collar, a pinstripe suit in dark blue and - a necklace with colored pearls. 

© Barry King


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DiCaprio, with colored pearls, on arrival for the “Benny & Joon” premiere in 1993 in os Angeles  

© Ron Davis


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DiCaprio around 1994 in Los Angeles - in a brown suede jacket and a black shirt - even at a young age the actor already had a kind of favorite wardrobe. 

© Ron Davis


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On the set of the Woody Allen film "Celebrity" with Kenneth Branagh in 1998

© Sunset Boulevard


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A disheveled DiCaprio pot cut and a casual leather jacket: a typical 90s look for the actor

© Kevin.Mazur / INACTIVE


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DiCaprio at the London premiere of “Titanic” in 1997: Still in his calm, casual style, but here with a two-piece suit and bow tie.

© David M. Benett


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DiCaprio on the set of “Romeo + Juliet” 1996 - a film that later became a cult classic and brought the star into the spotlight

© 20th Century Fox / Kobal / Shutterstock




Sighting of filming today  , the poster claims the woman is Jen, but if you look at Page Six pix she has red hair and not blonde :idk: 


The building in back looks like a university , which fits with Leo (Randall Mindy) being a college professor at a Michigan University and Jen (Kate) one of his students 


And seems to indicate the  tweet below from this past weekend was legit 


The person who posted this claims he saw Leo as well, but , alas, no photo :sad:


Someone asked was Harvard where they were filming, and he said "yes" , but they had stopped due to rain , so could be we will get some more pix (hopefully one with Leo ) before the day is over 👍



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Below are pix from Page Six of Jen filming , and in these pix are hair is red , and you can see she is wearing her Michigan sweatshirt. 


Not sure what is happening with guy acosting her and holding gun on her , but the Page 
Six article states he is supposed to be an undercover cop 



Jennifer-Lawrence-3.jpg Jennifer-Lawrence-5.jpg Jennifer-Lawrence-6.jpg

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