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Styleranking.de posted an Interview they did with Jared


Jared Leto acted in some of the most formative movies of the last years. Fight Club, Requiem for a Dream or American Psycho. But he hasn’t been seen on screen for a long time now. Instead he is touring with his Rock band 30 seconds to mars around the world. Now the magazine GQ selected him in the category style at the choice of the men of the year 2011! Although he is not thinking much about his outfits, he told our interviewer Gabriele shortly before the awards show.

Most people may know u through your movies. But u are also successfully making music since nearly ten years now with your band 30 seconds to mars. Does it annoy u being asked over and over again why so many Hollywood stars are frustrated musicians?

no, i don’t care what people think. I think that a lot of creative people are interested in various creative sectors. Painters are interested in sculpting, sculptors are interested in other aspects. So, too, are sportsman often interested in different kind of sports. Sometimes a soccer player wanna play baseball too. If people have dealed with a special field of activity, they wanna experience different kind of aspects.

Nevertheless most people will still know u as an actor…

That’s not necessarily true.

Has it changed by now?

A lot of people out there do not know me at all. Then there are a lot of people who know me only as a musician, and a lot who know me only as an actor. I think to a big part of my younger audience, I’m not known as an actor

Do you wish sometimes that you never had started acting first in order to be taken more serious as a musician?

No. I dont care about that. By now that’s an old story. I´m doing it for so long now. I think the people have already decided if they like what I do or not.
You are not only making music, you also direct music videos, design album covers, write songs. You´ll never get tired of that?

I love to explore new territories. That’s exciting and i learn something new. We are involved into something when we learn, we are challenged and enriched.

Most recently, the focus seems to be very strong on the music

Music, editing, directing, production. And im dealing with graphic design and manage my own companies. But being an artist, organizing chaos, to create something from nothing – that’s probably what I do best.

However, its been quiet a long time that I´ve seen you in a movie.

m-hm. Isn’t that great??

No, it’s a pity because you got very good critics for most of you movies. don’t you miss the acting at all?

No, not particularly. I have to say i’m quite satisfied. Besides i’m completely busy. There are certain things that i like about acting, i love working with creative people. But i don’t miss it that much

What do you like most of making music?

I like to have the control, the responsibility

So you’re the one who bears the responsibility in your band?

In many ways, yes. But even if I should share this task with a few people, its still different than if you share control with hundreds, as in the film. Then there is the whole process: I like to travel, to perform. I like writing and recording the songs, this is a very personal process

You are also not the type who would take things easy. For the role of heroin addict Harry Goldfarb in Requiem for a Dream you’ve lost 15 pounds, then you’ve put on weight for Chapter 27, where you played the murderer of John Lennon, more than 30 pounds. Don’t you sometimes feel that you should take more care of you?

We all do things the way we think we should do it. The way it works for us. That’s the way it works for me. When I’m working creatively I like to dive in as deep as possible. The bigger the challenge the more u will have the rewards of it afterwords

What has been more difficult, gaining or loosing weight?

Gaining weight was the bigger challenge

Hollywood is a very shallow pavement. Did the experience of being corpulent change your perception of Hollywood?

Yes, People looked at my differently while i was fat. That changed my appreciation a few. Some people i met didn’t know that it was all for a movie, they thought i just gained weight. It was interesting to see how they treated me.

How did they treat you?

Rather dismissively.

Was it difficult to loose weight again?

It wasn’t easy, that’s for sure. Gaining or loosing weight. But that’s what i needed to do to play this role. But i certainly wouldn’t do it again. I’ve done it once in my life, that’s enough!

Couldn’t you imagine a film project worth doing?

I can imagine.its just, i’m too busy at the moment. We are on tour for 2 years in a row. We played Germany 26 times alone.

Most of the movies you made were very artistic, sophisticated, often abysmal and dark. Now for ur advertising of hugos scent u did something quite trivial in front of the camera.. did you hesitate before taking the offer?

I’ve hesitated for a decade. People have offered me a lot of different things during the years, but it never felt right before. But for some reason this felt right. And it was right. It was fun. They were looking for someone fit the stereotype …not fitting the stereotype. Someone who is kinda different, and that’s what i am. Besides it was an opportunity to work with friends, it was a wonderful experience. So i don’t regret anything that i’ve done.

So you are not concerned that this could have an affect on your credibility as an artist?

No. I don’t care about that kind of stuff. Other people have to choose whether you have credibility or not. It repose on the art.

I found you on youtube in a very old advertising for levis

That was back in the days when i started acting. It was great. Cause i earned some money to pay my rent, i get some freedom out of it. I was able to go to castings and rehearse with the band.

But that wasn’t the point to do the hugo advertising i guess..

No..i mean..at this point in my life… i never worked for money, only for experiences and opportunities

You wear a very nice suit in the advert. Normally you dont wear those classy-elegant clothes. Did u have to get used to the outfit?

Are u saying that i normally dont look elegant?

Well, normally your outfits includes pomegranate hawks, net shirts and red sneakers

For me it was fun to dress up. It was something different. I dont care to dress up from time to time

Where do you get ur inspiration for ur outfits from? Ur style is pretty eccentric

I don’t think much about it. I’m spontaneous. But i respect designers who create witty and unique things.

How do u choose what u wear to certain events?

: Today i had the choice between to boss-suits, one black and one red. I choose the red cause i thought it is more fun.

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