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Yeah :laugh: I meant how you changed the response. I laughed at the original one although my original post didn't go through :ninja: . As to the new diet thing, I can't speak to your specific health needs, but will a diet consisting of mostly raw fruits and vegetables with the occassional treat not do the trick? Either way, do what's best for you of course :yes: . As to that pic, I also loves me spinach too :) .

The staples of my old diet were fruits/vegetables, meat 2 times a day, a sweet, and bread/potatoes/grains, etc. I'd say that up to 1,000 calories a day came from grains and starches..

Now, I've kept it the same but removed grains/bread and replaced it with brown rice, which is alright, but pretty bland, lol. I bought a 15 pound bag of brown rice. :p

This is short grain brown rice, I bought it from a Japanese restaurant supplier. The Japanese produce the best rice, and they are genetically engineered to be far superior to Western varieties. They're shorter grain and more tender. Stickier, too. There's also a slight sweetness to the brown rice I have:


So meals like this have been more common now:



My delicious pear cake with a special ingredient... rum!


It taste like pears (duh!) rum (double duh!) and vanilla...

THAt's the caramel u see on the edge of the cake. And it's not burnt, the picture is just dark.

And yes, that's my finger print on the plate.


Miss Kiki, I think Rum works very well with cake. I posted this earlier:

Have you considered buying or making this? It's great.

german liqueur cake. It's basically extra rich pound cake made with Rum. My favorite yellow cake:


Just had some..

  • 2 weeks later...

Had this for dinner: :) A full slab, 12 barbecued ribs w/ steak fries.

Interesting fun fact (the fattier the better..). A slab of barbecued ribs has 1,500 calories. 2/3rds of the calories are from fat. The Fries are another 400 calories more. ;)


Yea, I know that fried foods have some gluten..



Those ribs were delicious, btw :). I couldn't finish them all, so I took half a slab home and had them later in the day :)

Sirloin Chili with Brown rice :)

It was a bit too spicy, and I couldn't actually devour the fluid portion. :evil: I liked the beef that they used- it was very tender. In fact, it was more tender than I expected.



@CI, Both, can I? :D

@Eleni, Welcome to BZ :wave: These two dishes look amazing and I'm so hungry now :drool:

I used to watch a tv programme about Greek food, I still remember a dessert made with watermelon rind (Forgot the name) :p

Please introduce more Greek food to us, they all look interesting to me :yes:


Hi Lyon!I am very happy because you like greek food,it's really delicious!!!I will try to post greek recipes!..post-60977-0-66644700-1339244963_thumb.jpost-60977-0-02334600-1339244977_thumb.j I represent you another fabulous greek spinach pie which is called ''spanakopita''


Hi lyon!Well it's spinach,with fresh onion,leek and delicious greek cheese feta!!!I will try to post the recipe :wave:

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