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omg :( i read about Ruslana few min ago in news

this is too sad :cry: she was so beautiful - I cannot believe she is dead :cry2: :cry2: :cry2:

:heart: rest in peace



I regret not coming onto her thread more often. I really love that photo you made for Ruslana Miss its gorgeous. Its tragic to lose someone that young. :cry: Btw they're about 273 people looking at this thread right now. That is crazy.


from window... that's so sad :(

Как такой жизнерадостный на вид человек мог покончить жизнь самоубийством.... не могу поверить :no:


какой ужас... это кошмарно... :cry:

светлая тебе память, Руслана...

самое ужасное, это когда погибают такие юные как она... жизнь только начиналась.... :cry: :cry: :cry:

какой ужас... это кошмарно... :cry:

светлая тебе память, Руслана...

самое ужасное, это когда погибают такие юные как она... жизнь только начиналась.... :cry: :cry: :cry:

MAY SHE REST IN PEACE it is irony how a week ago i put her pic as my desktops background. Last week it was the first time i hear about her and i was amazed of her beauty. Below are some of my favorite photoshoots for the 20 years old (some r reposts). What a loss:(

m7xs61ra5d4k59aya9cy_thumb.jpg vgvoqy7nit8u6zzra27n_thumb.jpg 7wtwtzj9kvhtrk6813d_thumb.jpg dr72l47ib82ugmwxc8e_thumb.jpg cyf0wpptudlb7op5h6id_thumb.jpg 8mftl1qnr29amm2eztdi_thumb.jpg 654ovsn0g6jg9i5pykzy_thumb.jpg


I play roleplay games on the net and my character is represented by Ruslana and I called her Ruslana, it's weird now to play...

All my thougts are with the ones who knew and love her.


I am so shocked! And, it makes me very sad :cry: because she must have been going through something that was too painful for her. She was, to me, so gorgeous and innocent and happy looking. I loved her smile especially when she was happy. It's just unbelievable!!


something what i can found about this:

"One of her friends, who has spoken with The New York Post said that Ruslana Korshunova had just returned from a modeling gig in Paris. He noted that she seemed to be "on top of the world" and there is no apparent reason why she would commit suicide."

"We were talking on the phone last night," she said. "She loved life so much. She was an angel." Titeneva, who grew up in her pal's hometown, said Korshunova "wasn't wild. She was never on drugs or anything."

"She came in this morning 4 a.m., she smiled, no sense of depression," said Mahmoud Nakeeb, 45. "She was a very sweet girl, always smiling, never depressed-looking."

"According to gothamist's newsmap there was another jumper on the other side of the block a few hours later. What is happening on this block? Jumper Down | Pine Street & Water Street Manhattan, NY | 6/28/2008 8:54 p.m. Jumper Down | Wall St And Water St Manhattan, NY | 6/28/2008 2:58 p.m."

so what happend there on 28th june???

и теперь скажите мне, как может такая жизнерадостная девушка с блестящей модельной карьерой покончить жизнь самоубийством? т.е. она недавно вернулась из Парижа, пришла утром радостная домой, а через несколько часов вдруг решила покончить с собой? простите, но я НЕ ВЕРЮ!! тут все не так просто... она не добровольно решилась на этот шаг...

Бог накажет тех ублюдков, которые это сделали, Руслана! Спи спокойно... :cry:

и теперь скажите мне, как может такая жизнерадостная девушка с блестящей модельной карьерой покончить жизнь самоубийством? т.е. она недавно вернулась из Парижа, пришла утром радостная домой, а через несколько часов вдруг решила покончить с собой? простите, но я НЕ ВЕРЮ!! тут все не так просто... она не добровольно решилась на этот шаг...

Бог накажет тех ублюдков, которые это сделали, Руслана! Спи спокойно... :cry:

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