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  • 3 weeks later...

i love him so much than when i posted his pictures i was near to create a thread only for this kind of photographers because of all the pictures i have... i mean, many thousands. :whistle: but i'm feel to lazy to upload one by one every photo. for the moment bellazon could only be proud to have one of the largest Diane Arbus' collections on internet (maybe the biggest... i never saw a collection as important as mine including on blogs, google gallery, tumblr, auction websites, books or exhibitions). that's enough.

Berenice Abbott (July 17, 1898 - December 9, 1991)

american photographer

































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serie in the Shadow of Wounded Knee by Aaron Huey

01 May 2012

Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, South Dakota, USA

"Oglala youths hold an upside-down flag, an international symbol of distress and an act of defiance toward the U.S. government, at a rally to commemorate the 1975 shoot-out between American Indian Movement (AIM) activists and FBI agents. Two agents and one AIM member died; AIM's Leonard Peltier was jailed for life.

On the Great Plains of the United States, hidden away on the little-traveled back roads of South Dakota, is American Prisoner of War Camp Number 344. It is now known as the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, and is the home of the Oglala Lakota. Pine Ridge is ground zero for native issues because of both the work of the American Indian Movement and because of the infamous Wounded Knee Massacre of 1890, where the US 7th Cavalry killed 300 Sioux and ended the Indian Wars. Pine Ridge has been one of the poorest places in the country for decades with an unemployment rate upwards of 90 percent and a male life expectancy of 48. But today there are also newly formed resistance movements on the reservation and the revival of traditional spiritual ways."

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Oil on Water by Benjamin Lowy

27 April 2010

"Pools of crude oil float to the surface of the Gulf of Mexico at the site of the sunken Deepwater Horizon drill. In April, the Deepwater Horizon oil-drilling rig, in the Gulf of Mexico off the Louisiana coast, sunk after an explosion. Over the next four months, the resultant sea-floor oil gusher released an estimated 4.9 million barrels (nearly 780 million liters) of crude oil, making it the biggest marine oil spill in history and causing extensive damage to marine and wildlife habitats, as well as to tourism and fishing industries in the Gulf. The rig, operated by Transocean under contract for BP, was drilling in about 1,525 meters of water, pushing the boundaries of deepwater drilling. President Barack Obama placed an immediate moratorium on new drilling off the US coast"

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  • 6 months later...

Dino Petrocelli


Dino's clients over the years have included: Atlantic British Ltd, GMP Advertising, Swany Gloves, Grando Gloves, Ambrosino Design, WTEN TV, Bikers Choice, Kaiser Illustration, FLY 92, WPYX 106, Hot Bike magazine, Easyriders magazine, American Iron magazine, numerous brochures, catalogues, billboards and CD covers. He has worked with the Discovery Channel and most recently new clients such as, Paul Jr. Designs, Allstate Insurance, Factory Five Racing, GM High Tech magazine and Corvette Fever Magazine.


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  • 3 months later...

Robert Alvarado


Robert Alvarado has been photographing people for a long time but only on a professional basis since around 2005.

"I am a very visual person, and have always been drawn to art and anything graphic. As you can see I'm currently shooting Pin-Up. I have developed a style that I am happy with at last I really enjoy the art of Pin-Up. It's been a passion of mine since I first started photography. I must say that I have had a lot of help though, great make up artists, hair stylists and stunning models."  Gil Elvgren, Alberto Vargas, Olivia de Berardinas and Norman Rockwell are my biggest inspirations. Creating inspires me. The whole process from makeup, picking a theme, shooting, post work is all very stimulating to me, The creative process is just amazing to see it unfold and become a reality."


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Chrissy Sparks


Chrissy Sparks had been a graphic designer for 15 years with photography taking a back seat until summer 2013 when she launched DollHouse. From the outset, the response was extremely positive.

“The name DollHouse came to me quite easily as I wanted something that didn't pigeon-hole the brand, that could span across the various styles I wanted to shoot in (pinup, boudoir, burlesque and alternative) whilst having a distinctly feminine and slightly vintage feel to it."

She likes to have fun when shooting and makes the model/client feel at ease with a relaxed approach with as much or as little guidance as they wish. "I often get into the poses I'd like followed myself, and ask clients to mirror facial expressions - it usually starts with a few giggles (especially with 'cheesecake pinup') but thankfully it usually generates the desired look in the final shot!"

When asked about her influences and inspirations she cites vintage artists such as Gil Elvgren, whose images tend not to be as overtly sexual as more modern examples of the genre, and where the models are simply elegant, cheeky or playful.

"I have always loved the way that pinup is so heavily stylised and found the notion of 'the background story' an opportunity to create dynamic images. I also have a keen interest in advertising and love the use of pinup in vintage marketing, hence the heavy use of branding and typography in my work."

Chrissy regularly shoots for a variety of publications and has a fairly even split of work between design and photography.


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Viva Van Story


There once was a time when images of women were filled with secrets and mystery, intrigue and enticement. A sideways glance, the trailing smoke of a slender cigarette, a whisper of danger on cherry red lips. Photographer Viva Van Story takes us back to the days of gun molls and garters with her stunning collection of vintage-inspired imagery.


Viva Van Story's timeless images range from smoldering seduction to coquettish playfulness, as she depicts women who are sexy, but also empowered, ironic, and complex.


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  • 2 weeks later...

here a french serie of documentaries about photographers named Contacts.


The idea of the project, if I may say so, to show the connection (contact) photo-artist with a photo, give everyone the opportunity to comment on the photographer to his work. The uniqueness of the film that shows not just one picture, and often the whole series of images, of which only one frame later to be recognized (named), a brilliant, unique, inimitable, etc. In this film you can see what is the work of the photographer - to prepare a frame of mind or a place to try, experiment, wait, anticipate. And all for the sake of the dozens of excellent photographs to choose best of the best


The main idea of the project is to show the viewer not just photos of the author, but also to listen to him, talking about his creative path, on global matters, giving inspiration to the author, about the experiences and emotional lines of his work, some of the biographical facts of life master, and immediately the main thing - an individual creative process. Movies are accompanied not just show some photos, but often a demonstration of the negatives photographer (check fingerprint), with a series of doubles, where the author is his story about the shootings, about their thoughts and feelings at that moment, the choice of one single photograph, which will be the end result of a series of . As part of the movie is the voice of the author himself, in another - the curator of the photographer, critic, or sometimes the announcer reading the text of the first-person. Do not have any specific pattern, in which filmed. Each of them is unique, as the authors represented in the project.


each episode make 12 or 13 minutes and is in english.



01 - William Klein



02 - Henri Cartier-Bresson

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