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Ryan Reynolds gets into character while filming a scene for his upcoming movie Deadpool in a dirty alley behind a strip club in the early morning hours of Thursday (April 2) in Vancouver, Canada.

credit to justjared



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Ryan Reynolds (or one of his body doubles) suits up in the Deadpool suit and performs some stunts while filming scenes for the upcoming action movie on Monday (April 6) in Vancouver, Canada.



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Ryan Reynolds (or a stunt double) does some intense action scenes while filming Deadpool on Tuesday (April 7) in Vancouver, Canada.

credit to JJ



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Ryan Reynolds is seen for the first time unmasked on the set of Deadpool in his full costume on Wednesday (April 8) in Vancouver, Canada.

The 38-year-old actor was pictured with a bunch of stunt doubles in the full costume as well. It seemed like the doubles were performing an amazing stunt where they jumped backwards over a car!? We can’t wait to check out this movie!




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Ryan Reynolds suits up on set of his upcoming movie Deadpool on Friday afternoon (April 10) in Vancouver, Canada.




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Richmond man arrested in hit-and-run on actor Ryan Reynolds in downtown Vancouver


A 52-year-old Richmond photographer is in police custody, waiting to hear if he'll be charged with the rare offence called intimidation in the hit-and-run accident that injured actor Ryan Reynolds.
Vancouver police identified the man, whom they cannot name until he is formally charged, by security footage, said Vancouver police spokesman Const. Brian Montague on Monday.
There were also witnesses to the incident that happened around 7 p.m. on Friday evening in a secured, underground parking lot of the Shangri-La Hotel in downtown Vancouver.
Reynolds, a Vancouver actor in town filming Deadpool, suffered minor injuries, "a sore knee, a sore back," said Montague.
Police considered a number of charges, including hit-and-run, assault, assault with a weapon and harassment, and decided on intimidation, under Sec. 423 of the Criminal Code, said Montague.
The charge requires evidence of persistent following of an individual in a disorderly manner, he said.
Reynolds was approached by the suspect in the underground parking lot and "it resulted in a bit of a confrontation," said Montague.
"As the photographer fled the parking lot, he struck the individual (Reynolds) with his car," he said.
Police identified a suspect by viewing security footage and interviewing witnesses and the alleged victim.
The suspect was arrested on Sunday after agreeing to go to the police station and has been in custody in Vancouver police cells since the arrest.
He's scheduled to make an appearance in court Monday.
Police have recommended the intimidation charge and it's up to the Crown to determine if there's enough evidence to lay that charge or another one.
source: theprovince.com

Ryan Reynolds may have been holding a piece of paper while sitting on the ledge of a bridge on the Vancouver, Canada set of Deadpool on Wednesday



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Source: twitter/ ‏@VancityReynolds
As I soon understood, fly fishing had nothing to do with pulling a trout out of your pants to surprise your brothers.


Ryan Reynolds gets into character while on set of the upcoming movie Deadpoolon Friday afternoon (April 17) in Vancouver, Canada.

The 38-year-old actor took a little break from his day of shooting to meet some locals, including Gregor Robertson, the mayor of Vancouver.

Credit to JJ



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Source: twitter/‏@VancityReynolds

My brother and me. Moments before joining the Hell's Angels.





Source: twitter@VancityReynolds

Approximately 45 seconds after being kicked out of the Hell's Angels. 



Source: twitter/ ?@VancityReynolds

Officially halfway through production on #deadpool and I feel fine. The other guys? notsomuch.



  • 2 weeks later...
Source: twitter/@VancityReynolds

Got pretty lucky in the Mom Lottery. This amazing lady KNOWS how to raise 4 boys. She also knows advanced krav maga.



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