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hey guys sorry to bother but i was just wondering if u guys could help me really quick i have Adobe Photoshop CS 8 and how do u use the background eraser i mean i erase it but how do i put in ontop of another pic like example i erease i pic of a model and i want the backgruoun to be a becaech how u do that please help me


You have to work with the level or layer. Don`t know how it calls. Sry on this pc I don`t have PS. But you must erase with "transparensy", then to insert the background you want to have. But your pic that you "erase" must be the top layer. Normal is this "layer-panal" in the right corner. Here a pic


To erase you take this tool and then you work with the brush (black/white).



Ok, here my tutorial :) Hope it`s good. At first we open a new project (I have the German version, so I don`t know the names in english, look at the pics :) )


Then you see on the right corner a new layer.


Open now the background image and the pic you want to erase. Then drag and drop them in the new project.


Now the pics don`t fit to the screen (wall size), so you push Strg (think in english it`s Ctrl) + T. But at first you have to activate the layer you want to resize. Then you push the Shift-Button and hold it until you are finished the resize and click and hold the mouse-button on a corner of the pic and move it then.


Ok know the size an positions are you, we can start with the work :D

The layer with the pic you want to erase must be always on top :)

Choose this, then push the button in the pic (don`t know the name) then a second "window" will be create on the layer. Click on this to activate it.


Then take the brush-tool tut90xz.th.jpg

With black you erase


and with white you un-erase it :)


That`s it. Work always with layers and be sure you have the layer activated with you want to work. For example if you want to colore something, then create a new layer and color then the thing, then you never will "destroy" the original pic.

When I`m working on a pic then I press F then F again and then Tab, then you have only the pic :) Play with F, Tab and Shift + Tab. With Ctrl + + and Ctrl + - you can zoom.

Hope I could help you and sry for the english and mistakes.

  • 1 month later...

The second one is a lot like what Acro described, they just took a bunch of images, erased parts of them and lowered the opacity on the layers the images were on.

As for the first one, I'll throw together a quick tutorial for you since I don't know how to explain it. I use PS 7 though, just in warning. So if Acro can do it or someone else with CS, then that might be easier for you to understand.


First, open your image and duplicate the layer twice. (To duplicate, go to LAYERS > DUPLICATE or hit CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+N, unless they've changed the quick keys).

So your layers pallette will now look like this:


Next, desaturate the 'copy 1' layer by going to Image > Adjustments > Desaturate (CTRL > SHIFT > U). Select the 'copy 2' layer, and select your eraser tool (E) and erase EVERYTHING but her shirt using small brushes for near her body.

You end up with something like this:


After you're finished erasing the 'copy 2' layer, select the 'copy 1' layer and go up to ADJUSTMENTS again. Select "Brightness and Contrast" and slide both little arrows up to 40. Then select the smudge tool at 10% opacity (to get the 'smooth plastic' look to her skin) and slowly blend the skin on her face, arms, etc, avoiding places like her eyes and lips. At the end of all that, you get this:


Next, set the 'copy 2' layer (the one that we erased everything but the shirt on) and set the layer to HARD LIGHT.


If you want to make the shirt a little darker, create a layer between the b&w layer and the shirt layer and paint the area beneath her top with black and duplicate the layer you set to HARD LIGHT and up the contrast to 40.


Here's what the layer pallette looks like:


thanx  :) a lot avadakedavra and maddog107 it worked but do u know how to do the other one :wave:

He already answered "the other one"


"The second one is a lot like what Acro described, they just took a bunch of images, erased parts of them and lowered the opacity on the layers the images were on."

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