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Thanks for the backstage pictures and the nice comments!


Saks Fifth Avenue catalogue SS06

75314willlovesaks020600nr0.th.jpg 75318willlovesaks020600dw0.th.jpg 75326willlovesaks020600od0.th.jpg 75333willlovesaks020600js5.th.jpg 75335willlovesaks020600kz4.th.jpg 75338willlovesaks020600fz1.th.jpg 75351willlovesaks020600vb9.th.jpg 75357willlovesaks020600xj4.th.jpg 75361willlovesaks020600zn4.th.jpg 75364willlovesaks020600bm1.th.jpg 75752willlovesaks020600sg3.th.jpg 75761willlovesaks020600ol6.th.jpg 75771willlovesaks020600us9.th.jpg 75774willlovesaks020600hn6.th.jpg 75786willlovesaks020600oa3.th.jpg 75794willlovesaks020600sb6.th.jpg 75797willlovesaks020600on9.th.jpg 91061willlovesaks020612jf5.th.jpg


'Want It For Him' Saks Fifth Avenue catalogue FW 06

63332willsaks0906012224ve3.th.jpg 63335willsaks0906112274ju5.th.jpg 63342willsaks0906412214or0.th.jpg 63344willsaks0906512282vz5.th.jpg 63356willsaks0906612218dl8.th.jpg 63364willsaks0906712271rp3.th.jpg 63367willsaks0906812211up2.th.jpg 63377willsaks0906912211el4.th.jpg 63384willsaks0906101225fo6.th.jpg 63581willsaks0906212216au1.th.jpg 64043willsaks0906312250zn1.th.jpg


some random pics

davidzanesmensstudio19ju6.th.jpg davidzanes3xa4.th.jpg mljt6.th.jpg ml2ak8.th.jpg marcopolo7dh4.th.jpg this one is from Marco Polo 10gpunder4428iu3.th.jpg the last one is from GQ Russia

I hope you like them :wub:


Hello M and cooperIShot :)

Thank you for the pics M, I dont know what this thread would be without your contributions :)

I have the new Garnier Fructise commercial but I dont know how to transfer it from my tv to the computer. Do you people know how to do it?? :(

Hello M and cooperIShot :)

Thank you for the pics M, I dont know what this thread would be without your contributions :)

I have the new Garnier Fructise commercial but I dont know how to transfer it from my tv to the computer. Do you people know how to do it?? :(

Hello M and cooperIShot :)

Thank you for the pics M, I dont know what this thread would be without your contributions :)

I have the new Garnier Fructise commercial but I dont know how to transfer it from my tv to the computer. Do you people know how to do it?? :(


Thank you thank you thank you!

Well I don't care about reposts. Doesn't harm to see him twice! :laugh:

I just saw that he is in the new German GQ Style in an Anson's ad.

I'm still not thorugh the whole issue so let's hope he is in it with even more pictures...

And now I want to post one editorial I really like.

It isn't called white heat for no reason :wub:

I just love the setting, light and colours.


'White Heat' editorial from Loaded Fashion

37888willloadedfashionioc9.th.jpg 37891willloadedfashionivm9.th.jpg 37898willloadedfashionive7.th.jpg 37913willloadedfashionvdn8.th.jpg :wub:37925willloadedfashionvjd2.th.jpg 37932willloadedfashionvax5.th.jpg 37942willloadedfashionvez7.th.jpg:wub: 37949willloadedfashionvui7.th.jpg 38441willloadedfashionvhh9.th.jpgit is L-O-V-E 38464willloadedfashionvav2.th.jpg 38471willloadedfashionvis4.th.jpg 38476willloadedfashionvuq0.th.jpg 38478willloadedfashionvbf1.th.jpg 38483willloadedfashionvpn9.th.jpg 38499willloadedfashionvvo5.th.jpg 38506willloadedfashionvdg9.th.jpg 39055willloadedfashionvcu8.th.jpg

I hope you like it :) It has something slightly strange about it but I really like the pictures 3 (cute),4,7,8,9,10,15 & 17. Which means practically all...


You are all welcome :)

WOW, this is one of the best editorials of him that I have ever seen. INCREDIBLE pictures M and I cannot thank you enough for providing them. I love all the pics except 14 and 16.

My personal favorites though are pics 4 and 10, simply the best.


Ok here is a little preview of the Garnier commercial, these are some pictures(not so great quality) that I took with a camera, sorry that they are not great but my camera is not so great :laugh:



I had to zoom in which made it blurry


Ok here is a little preview of the Garnier commercial, these are some pictures(not so great quality) that I took with a camera, sorry that they are not great but my camera is not so great :laugh:



I had to zoom in which made it blurry


Thank you thank you thank you!

Well I don't care about reposts. Doesn't harm to see him twice! :laugh:

I just saw that he is in the new German GQ Style in an Anson's ad.

I'm still not thorugh the whole issue so let's hope he is in it with even more pictures...

And now I want to post one editorial I really like.

It isn't called white heat for no reason :wub:

I just love the setting, light and colours.


'White Heat' editorial from Loaded Fashion

post-16544-0-1446018568-27856_thumb.jpg post-16544-0-1446018568-42081_thumb.jpg 37898willloadedfashionive7.th.jpg post-16544-0-1446018568-74139_thumb.jpg :wub:post-16544-0-1446018568-81156_thumb.jpg post-16544-0-1446018568-96477_thumb.jpg 37942willloadedfashionvez7.th.jpg:wub: post-16544-0-1446018568-97366_thumb.jpg post-16544-0-1446018568-98185_thumb.jpgit is L-O-V-E post-16544-0-1446018569-01164_thumb.jpg post-16544-0-1446018569-01956_thumb.jpg post-16544-0-1446018569-05311_thumb.jpg post-16544-0-1446018569-06625_thumb.jpg 38483willloadedfashionvpn9.th.jpg 38499willloadedfashionvvo5.th.jpg post-16544-0-1446018569-0864_thumb.jpg post-16544-0-1446018569-10813_thumb.jpg

I hope you like it :) It has something slightly strange about it but I really like the pictures 3 (cute),4,7,8,9,10,15 & 17. Which means practically all...

Ok here is a little preview of the Garnier commercial, these are some pictures(not so great quality) that I took with a camera, sorry that they are not great but my camera is not so great :laugh:



I had to zoom in which made it blurry


Thanks Sam!!! We all really appreciate u getting that for us...he's very handsome in it!! heck, he's handsome in EVERYTHING he does lol :drool: :laugh: :wave: :heart:

Ok here is a little preview of the Garnier commercial, these are some pictures(not so great quality) that I took with a camera, sorry that they are not great but my camera is not so great :laugh:



I had to zoom in which made it blurry


Thanks Sam!!! We all really appreciate u getting that for us...he's very handsome in it!! heck, he's handsome in EVERYTHING he does lol :drool: :laugh: :wave: :heart:


and here we go with some catalogue work. Enjoy :wave:


'Return To Sender' Jack & Jones SS07

post-15161-0-1446018574-12594_thumb.jpg post-15161-0-1446018574-41838_thumb.jpg post-15161-0-1446018574-45352_thumb.jpg post-15161-0-1446018574-47391_thumb.jpg post-15161-0-1446018574-48989_thumb.jpg 46447willjackjonesss070ql8.th.jpg post-15161-0-1446018574-50557_thumb.jpg willjackjonesss070008ii5.th.jpg


Selected SS07

21906willselectedss0700iy6.th.jpg post-15161-0-1446018574-55567_thumb.jpg post-15161-0-1446018574-61416_thumb.jpg 22332willselectedss0700ct6.th.jpg post-15161-0-1446018574-62682_thumb.jpg 23032willselectedss0700tr2.th.jpg 23041willselectedss0700op8.th.jpg 23048willselectedss0700zb7.th.jpg 93962willselectedss0700la1.th.jpg post-15161-0-1446018574-63893_thumb.jpg post-15161-0-1446018574-65096_thumb.jpg 94678willselectedss0700zt3.th.jpg post-15161-0-1446018574-663_thumb.jpg 94871willselectedss0700fz4.th.jpg post-15161-0-1446018574-6683_thumb.jpg post-15161-0-1446018574-67727_thumb.jpg post-15161-0-1446018574-71267_thumb.jpg 95251willselectedss0700jv9.th.jpg


I hope you like them. And I'll try to post more soon.

and here we go with some catalogue work. Enjoy :wave:


'Return To Sender' Jack & Jones SS07

post-16544-0-1446018577-6835_thumb.jpg post-16544-0-1446018577-69172_thumb.jpg post-16544-0-1446018577-72762_thumb.jpg post-16544-0-1446018577-74158_thumb.jpg post-16544-0-1446018577-74958_thumb.jpg 46447willjackjonesss070ql8.th.jpg post-16544-0-1446018577-76193_thumb.jpg willjackjonesss070008ii5.th.jpg


Selected SS07

21906willselectedss0700iy6.th.jpg post-16544-0-1446018577-77525_thumb.jpg post-16544-0-1446018577-79679_thumb.jpg 22332willselectedss0700ct6.th.jpg post-16544-0-1446018577-82953_thumb.jpg 23032willselectedss0700tr2.th.jpg 23041willselectedss0700op8.th.jpg 23048willselectedss0700zb7.th.jpg 93962willselectedss0700la1.th.jpg post-16544-0-1446018577-84093_thumb.jpg post-16544-0-1446018577-87086_thumb.jpg 94678willselectedss0700zt3.th.jpg post-16544-0-1446018577-88203_thumb.jpg 94871willselectedss0700fz4.th.jpg post-16544-0-1446018577-90065_thumb.jpg post-16544-0-1446018577-92893_thumb.jpg post-16544-0-1446018577-96964_thumb.jpg 95251willselectedss0700jv9.th.jpg


I hope you like them. And I'll try to post more soon.

OH M, you're an angel!!! thanks for posting those..love will in specs :laugh:

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