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  • 2 weeks later...
Do you think Photobucket would allow this picture?


Oh shit, it stopped working...


Greedy you don't need that, do this:

after you hit "ADD REPLY"

you will see under the text box


Global Space Left: unlimited space ROOM TO TYPE HERE "Browse..."<-this is a buttom "add this attachment" <-this is a button

CLICK " Browse..." and find the picture you want to upload

CLICK "Add This Attachment"

hit add reply, done. :) :fun:


lol hun, just follow the directions I gave you above and you don't have to use photobucket at all.

This site uploads pictures directly off of your computer so when you delete the picture from your computer there's no link to be broken so it will show up here. :) :fun:


you're worried you photobucket account will be deleted?

It won't, I've uploaded tons of naked pictures before, believe me no one's watching you. :laugh:

ah I get it, you think someone will delete your accont on Bellazon? I very highly doubt that. 1) I'm sure they'll understand and 2) they would warn you before they would ever delete you account and 3) they would ban someone before they delete their account and that rarely happens.


I don't think Photobucket would delete your account, either. So long as it isn't pornography. I've uploaded tasteful nudes to my Photobucket account before and nothing has happened to me.

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