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There's definitely something fishy with the voting, a week ago Jessica P & Nina were leading by far & now all the girls have the same votes ...Now even Crystal Renn who days ago had a poor 3% & now she's like #3, same goes to Adaora. I like Michelle & all, but i honestly doubt that her fanbase grew from #5 to #1 in a week :idk:


theres SOmething FISHY going on yes , Nina have more fans then all the rookies , and she start being the lead rookie in votes, for quite a long time along with Jessica P. and now suddenly Michelle V is first. i think this style of voting is BullS€~T...Sad :(.

if Nina dont win , its clearly a dirty win


It's not the fact that Nina wins okei Nina doesn't win there's something fishy. Now Michelle leads? If she wins I will be happy for her, I like her and I think she's very pretty and a good model. The problem is when a girl is about 5 or 6 % and the next day is about 18 or 19 %. I agree with MissLimaVzla, it's impossible to see this kind of change in a such small time.


For the record, I'm more of a Kirby Griffin kinda guy, but she's been holding steady at 16%, so I've been voting for Nina. When I voted this morning, this is the result I got. Something tells me strange things are afoot at the Circle K.



To the hell with this voting, whoever SI people wants to win will win ... It doesn't matter how many times we vote, I've voting literally two days non-stop for Nina & Jessica & they keep losing % lol


Now they're all at 17%.

Something tells me this poll isn't scientific at all. It reeks of internal manipulation. Which is really stupid considering it's not like we're voting to elect a government official, it's just a beauty contest really - which is basically the least significant thing anyone can vote on ever.

If a vote defies logic and looks fixed it probably is. And I don't mean that in the "the model I like most isn't winning" sense, that can be explained. What can't be explained is the wildly divergent voting trends.

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