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Welcome! :) I edited my post up there with Sisters ads.

Deutsch Marie Claire, year unknown. Based on the length of her hair, I would say around 2002-2003?

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thx emilia :hug:

and I think your right on the time of those, I belive those were some of the first pics I saw of her that made me :wub: her


maddog107, I was wondering yesterday where you were, I thought you gave up on Mini and hoped that wasn't the case. :) I agree, those pics are really beautiful.

Translated by Saracita at tFS

'You have to fit a certain size, it's always been like that'

Q: How did you start your modeling career? Cause you couldn't have been in 'Top Model'

Mini: I started out when I was 10 years old. I did some smaller jobs here and there. When I was 13 I was picked upp by MIKAs.

(and then she signed with Elite at 15, but that she didn't say)

Q: Hey Mini! Did you always had an interest in fashion?

Mini: Yes, I think so. I've alway enjoyed fashion. And you become more and more interested the longer you get to wear the incredible creations out there

Q: "dont feed the models" Do you think the models are healthy thin? Personally, I'm sometimes disgusted by how thin they have to be. Why do you think it's like that in the modeling business?

Mini: I think there are girls that are thin yet healthy-looking and those that are too thin. Like in every part of society, there are girls suffering from eating disorders. Most of my friends eat a lot and work out a lot, though. But you have to fit a certain size, it's always been like that.

Q: Do you think you would have made it far in Top Model?

Mini: (Laughs.) I hope so. I think I'd been very uncomfortable in the jury room. I probably would've turned red like a tomato and just mumbled....

Q: What are the biggest differences between Paris and New York, fashion wise?

Mini: Paris designers are a bit more creative. New York is more about the classic look.

Q: Mini, my gf's a model and she gets on my nerves when she can't have it her way. Are all models like that?

Mini: No, that's just girls in general, I think.

Q: Hi Mini! Did anything embarrassing happen to you during your modeling career?

Mini: Lots of things. I've stumbled several times, walking in too big or two small shoes, tripping on dresses... But I can't think of anything special.

Q: Who is your favorite designer?

Mini: There are so many. Matthew Williamson is one favorite.

Q: Which is the most fun job you've ever done?

Mini: The DKNY campaign, fall '99. That's when I met my husband...

Q: What do you think you'd be doing if you weren't a model, or what did you want to become?

Mini: As a kid I wanted to be an archeologist. That was a dream I had anyway.

Q: What's the best/worst part of modeling?

Mini: Best: You do get to travel a lot and experience different cultures. And you make a lot of money.

Worst: No matter how fun, traveling makes it impossible to plan things. It's hard to keep a normal private life.



This was the first time I remember seeing her. I saved the pages from this magazine, cause the haircut was fabulous and I used it at my hairdresser's appointments. :) I can't believe I never posted it here..

UK Glamour April 2003

Scanned by me

mini01glamourukapril03id3.th.jpg mini01glamourukapril0302em8.th.jpg mini01glamourukapril0303qx3.th.jpg


I just realized I can view the fashion spot forums. Maaan, slow one. For some reason I didn't think I could because of the registration stuff.... I don't mind helping you out :)

Elle (US) September 2003

Before Night Falls

Photography by Diego Uchitel

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Do not post thumbnails or small images side by side resulting in it equaling greater than 600 pixels.Thanks, AnaBB Cover








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