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Posted (edited)

I suspect walt jr. will show up and scare jesse off. then walt jr will press walt sr for info. meanwhile jesse will head to police dept to rat out walt sr., thereby shifting the power back to hank. Once walt sr knows jesse has ratted him out he will head for the hills with new identity.


i still wonder if saul's boys took the cash in the barrels and replaced it with dead weight.


I am putting my response b/t spoiler tags for those who have not seen the episode yet or are not caught up :)

I like your speculation about Walt Jr. seeing Jesse at the house :D Seeing how things are progressing I am pretty sure Jesse will work w/ Hank to bring Walt down. Also, people who live near where BB was filmed said there is at least one scene Hank & Jesse are in a car together.


Hmmm...not sure did Huell and Kuby take any of the cash from the barrel. Huell did comment about the mass jail killings which makes me think they did not take any of the money b/c they know Walt has no issues with murder. However in the scene where Walt was loading the barrel into the van, and they told him to check to make sure all the cash was there, both of them looked at each other in a very guilty & suspicious way. I guess we will find out soon enough :p

Edited by PinkCouture
Posted (edited)

i wonder if...

todd, lydia and gang will show up to knock off their loose ends -  walt and co! :shock:  :)


the tables could turn and Maybe walt saves hank again. lol


as long as it doesn't end in heaven like LOST. I still have nightmares over that!

Edited by PinkCouture
Posted (edited)

i wonder if...

todd, lydia and gang will show up to knock off their loose ends -  walt and co! :shock:  :)


the tables could turn and a major shoot out with hank involved could happen. Maybe walt saves hank again. lol


Just put speculations & theories, and comments related to the recent episode inside spoiler tags :)


I think

Walt is going to kill Todd. Todd's Nazi Brotherhood will come after Walt & family. I also think it is the Nazis who sprayed paint "Heisenberg" as seen in the pilot opener.


I could see Walt saving Hank but still kinda doubtful considering what an douchbag he has become

Edited by PinkCouture

it occurs to me...

that Gomie could intervene with Jesse. Which would make some sense as Jesse said he didn't want to talk to hank.And Gomie always has Hanks back


it occurs to me...

that Gomie could intervene with Jesse. Which would make some sense as Jesse said he didn't want to talk to hank.And Gomie always has Hanks back


What do you mean by intervene? Like ruin Hank's progress so far?


One thing about Gomie is I don't get the point of his character. He adds nothing to the show but make Hank look less like a dumbass.


Gomie should have been killed off a long time ago.I hope he gets killed off by the end of the series! The only way Gomie's character could redeem his insignificance is if we find out he is an informant for the cartel. Even that would be lame. With that said he should die in the stupidest way possible. Something that would make him a contender for a Darwin Awards


As for Lydia, no way the bitch is going to make it. I am pretty sure she dies.


I mean I think maybe Gomie had Jesse followed even though Hank told him to stop. Which would be consistent with his character.


Therefore it maybe Gomie who stops Jesse from burning down Walt's house.


Then maybe walt comes home with gun but only find Walt jr, who then asks him " wtf is going on??"


^ Ahhh....I see. Good point. I could see that being the case.

I think both your predictions involving Walt Jr. are very plausible.


Imagine if Jr came home to Walt pointing a gun at Jesse, and being like "WTF is going on?" That would totally speed the progress of the season :rofl:


^ With BB anything is possible.There are so many twists & turns it could very well be Jesse who did it. Although I am skeptical it is him.


I saw this on Reddit. It was taken by someone in ABQ who lives near the "White residence". The crew was filing the flash-forward scene we saw in the first episode of 5B:  http://i.imgur.com/CVgqF.jpg


Notice the words "Red Star" graffiti-ed on the garage door. I am incline to think it is significant b/c: 1) There seems to be a lot of scenes involving garage doors in the series. 2) "Red Star" sounds like a parallel to "Blue Sky"---perhaps rival's product? I am bit skeptical about this theory.




Yes perhaps jesse is to obvious a choice. Maybe Walt Jr. would be a better guess. We still don't know if Walt Jr will have a hidden secret. Is he a meth user? a drug dealer? sometimes the truth is hidden in plain sight.


I don't have ideas on the garage door theory. Only 1 day for more insight! :yes:


^ I don't think Jr. is the one who graffiti-ed "Heisenberg" but like I said before you never know w/ BB :p I do agree w/ you there might be more to Jr. than the obvious. It might be something not shown yet or something right under our noses from early on but it is so subtle no one has picked up on it.  I don't think he is a meth user but I could see him as a low-key drug dealer :yes:


Thank goodness BB is not taking a break for the holiday weekend!!! :D


I have another speculation about who might've graffiti-ed "Heisenberg". I know this is far-fetched but still a possibly...Badger and/or Skinny Pete. They are both under Walt's radar as threats. Neither one of them know much but both can definitively confirm Walt is Heisenberg. I could also see them (more Skinny Pete than Badger) being manipulated by Hank to help him out. Now why would either one of them help Hank and graffiti the White house? Based on how things are going I wouldn't be surprised if Jesse dies---murder or suicide, who knows. Either way Walt will have something to do with it and both will somehow know. So it is to avenge Jesse's dead.

I still think it is the Nazi's who wreaked the White house but at the same time I think that's too obvious. So I though of some of the least likely but plausible suspects :p


I hope Wendy makes one last appearance this season :D


^ Indeed :D

Tonight's episode is called "Rabid Dog". Based on last week's ending most people are assuming Jesse is the rabid dog. I am thinking it might be to throw us off of who the real "rabid dog" is...Jr! I think he might find out the truth tonight. Knowing how emotional he could get I could imagine him going ape-shit pissed (similar to a rabid dog ;) )


I wonder if Todd and his buddies die in an explosion of the new lab. That would then force lydia to recruit walt back. That would be fun!.


Another tidbit was that paper with blood on it never did go down the toilet. Evidence! :)


Also Walts wife sounds like she wants Walt to kill Jesse and then he says "don't float that idea again"



^ Thanks for using spoiler tags :flower:

I wouldn't mind if Todd & buddies did something dumbass like mix the wrong chemicals together and caused an explosion leading to their deaths. I am still hoping Walts kills them though b/c that would be baddass.

I just re-watched last week's episode. You are right! We never saw the bloody toilet paper go down the toilet. Good eye! (Y)

I agree Skylar probably wants Walt to kill Jesse. He is a major threat. Speaking of Skyler and killing I hope she's the one who murders Lydia. People think Skylar is a bitch so she might as well redeem herself before the end of the series by killing another bitch :nicole:

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