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Hey all. I found something I thought I'd share with you all. It seems Megan Fox is a big fan of comic book artist and writer Michael Turner, who died just a few months ago of cancer. The comic company he founded, Aspen Comics, released a Tribute Issue that is full of messages of condolences and thank yous to the fallen artist. Megan was one of the contributors! The message also came with a picture of Megan with Michael Turner, and she looks great! Very sweet and casual. My scanner isn't up to the task of scanning the picture with good quality, but I will share the message she wrote.

"In 1998, he introduced us to the world of Fathom and Aspen Matthews, a marine biologist with powers beyond her wildest imagination. Yet Aspen inspired us most because she is grounded in reality. Strong yet vulnerable, intelligent but confused, couragious while afraid. Aspen discovered a life beneath the surface and swam deeper for answers. She embraced the adventure, vulnerable, confused, afraid....But never alone. Michael, thank you for sharing your creation with us.

Megan Fox."

You know, that wasn't bad writing. Anyways, hopefully I can find another Aspen Fan who scanned the imagine and share it here.

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