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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I think this season is by far the worst so far. The first four episodes were passable (though nothing especially memorable), but the last two were perhaps the worst in the entire run.

Whether or not this is because they have started really deviating from the books (and in some story-lines are now in completely uncharted territory), I don't know.

  • 2 weeks later...

I think this season is by far the worst so far. The first four episodes were passable (though nothing especially memorable), but the last two were perhaps the worst in the entire run.

Whether or not this is because they have started really deviating from the books (and in some story-lines are now in completely uncharted territory), I don't know.

It's honestly just turned in D&D fanfiction, and they're doing whatever the hell they want regardless of characterization. It's one thing to deviate from the books, but they're completely manipulating characters against how they're written in order to achieve the storylines they want. 



I think this season is by far the worst so far. The first four episodes were passable (though nothing especially memorable), but the last two were perhaps the worst in the entire run.

Whether or not this is because they have started really deviating from the books (and in some story-lines are now in completely uncharted territory), I don't know.

It's honestly just turned in D&D fanfiction, and they're doing whatever the hell they want regardless of characterization. It's one thing to deviate from the books, but they're completely manipulating characters against how they're written in order to achieve the storylines they want. 


This is what bothers me the most.


And since they do that, the serie is becoming BETTER!

Every seasons I was watching, wondering WHY, am I doing that to myself? This serie is so slow & boring but it's only 10 episodes so i keep watching & hoping &



yes! Best season!

(ok season 4 was good too)


This season is hands down the worst season. :ninja:

The writing is just sloppy now. Yes there's action (if rape and the killing of children is what gets you going) but in terms of good television, with cohesive writing and consistent characterization and story lines, the show has tanked this season.


I specially don't like how much they have been deviating from the books this season, and doing it without a consistent or logical reason besides creating impact by the means of rape scenes and burning children alive.

I really thought this season was finally going to redeem itself with the end of episode 8 (even if it has nothing to do with the books, but at least it was well made [there's probably a MAJOR spoiler from the 6th book there too  :ninja: ]) and then they destroy the Stannis' character the way they did... At least they had decency to end the last episode with an iconic scene from the book. I was even starting to have doubts of it's inclusion.




^ It will probably just have the first part of the book, so I think you shouldn't worry about it  :D. It also has to cover A Feast for Crows.


Oh, I was so naive!

This bothered me a lot too. They took the time to adapt A Storm of Swords throughout 2 seasons but now they are burning 2 whole books into one. Omitting and destroying a good number of story lines in the process.


Well as I did not fall a sleep this season watching the episodes, I say it's a good season.

and Sansa is married to this guy, how come it is a rape? :shifty: At least she will always remember her wedding night for ever & ever...




you said it sister!


No I don't.

I am Kiki.



























































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