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<_< Yall-- need to liven things up! :whistle: talking about what books she reads?! ~~Lolz ok ok-- i heard she likes to read in her language--Portugese ;)

Now enuff of this!!! :laugh: this here is a discussion board about Ana-- so lets get down on some serious INTERESTING shit here!! ~LolZ~ Ok! here's sumthin we all can talk about-- Why do all of yall that are fans of Ana that post pictures and stuff of her on this forum--like her so much? what about Ana appeals to all you ladies and dudes on here??? huh? come on! spill your guts! ~~Lolz don't hold nuthin back! :evil:

like for me--i notice Ana way back when when she did her pictures for Stuff mag :drool: Guess? and some other early shit i seen her in but i was hooked when i saw her in this club--(in person!) and she actually danced wit Big Poppa over here! :drool: i left all the details on another board here in bellazon in case you peeps wanna go check it out! ;) She the only model i ever got up really close to ~Lolz so i guess that why i like her so much! and she didnt act stuck up or nuthin she really act very nice and down to earth-- to my surprise--Heh and DAMN she even better lookin in person!!! :drool: them pictures she takes do her no justice! I live here in the big "Mango" NYC N-you see Models here walking on the streets all the time--but most of them don't even look your way--or they look all stuck on themselves but Ana when i seen her--she really a mad cool young lady! and did i mention HOT :drool: ~Lolz so to sum this shit up--i like her becoz she really the only model i ever got up close to and she is one of the most SEXIEST HOTTEST Brazilian Babe i've ever seen! :evil: I like Adriana and Raica too! :drool: but i aint never met them 2 before! ~Lolz but to me--Ana is a little more sexier than them ;)

Now Big Poppa here done started a interesting discussion :laugh: so now yall talk!! and share!! and let's liven this up! :fun: becoz it started to feel like a dang funeral around here! ~~Lolz~~

yeah! i forgot to mention sumthin! ~~Lolz when i seen Ana in that club--she was wit a couple of other people i didn't recognize and she wasn't wit her boyfriend! that guy you people be ranking on! ~Lolz but i did recognize that other model she be hangin tight with--that VS model--i think her name is Alesandra-- she's really nice too and very friendly! yeah Ana's friend is really mad cool! she really HOT too! :drool:

~~Lolz i also wanted to say for all yall that was sayin before that Ana take drugs or sumthin--well that nite i saw them, aint nobody looked all drugged up to me--her -n- her friends they all looked like they was having a good time :fun:

Now this all i got to say on this! Heh--i aint never seen them again--N probably won't :( but at least i can now die a happy man! :evil: Now TALK people! :laugh:


i didn't read your messages in its whole cuz there are too much writing, too many hyphenates and not enough spaces lool but i saw you asked why ppl like Ana... as far as i'm concerned i love really tall and really thin girls so Ana's got a great body IMO, and i think she's got a perfect facial structure (big mouth, big eyes, small nose, strong cheekbones...) i also like how she LOOKS high sometimes, and i think -out of all the brazilian models, apart from gisele of course- she does the most interesting stuff: she works with "risky" photographers such as terry Richardson, she looks as good in a swimsuit as in a high fashion dress... she's a really "complete" top model in my opinion :p


I LOVE Ana since 2001. And i've met her too. I talked about My site for her, and her biggest community on orkut. And she was really happy, i talk with her sister SOMETIMES. I've met A LOT i mean I LOT of models, some of them are way nicer. But i look up to Ana, i had tears in my eyes ( i'm not kidding :p ). And she was so kind. I talked to her 2 times :fun: . But other models like Caroline Francischini, Laryssa Castro, Liliane Ferrarezi and etc are the coolest. Because they are not TOP MODELS, or VS angels, but i've met ana, so that was the greatest day of my life. :cry:

i didn't read your messages in its whole cuz there are too much writing, too many hyphenates and not enough spaces lool


she's a really "complete" top model in my opinion :p

Definately. So is Gisele- i'm starting to like her alot..nooo.


Wow, until you read things like what you guys are saying, I guess its easy to forget that models are normal and real people, because we look up to them as higher beings in a way...

I have not, and don't expect I ever will meet any models, which is fine by me, I will just continue to admire and be inspired by them from a distance.

I first saw Ana in a 2003 (I think) SI magazine. While the whole mag is full of gorgeous girls, only Ana really reached out to me, and has remained my favourite ever since. I'm not even sure what it is about her.. I think it is the face

i didn't read your messages in its whole cuz there are too much writing, too many hyphenates and not enough spaces lool but i saw you asked why ppl like Ana... as far as i'm concerned i love really tall and really thin girls so Ana's got a great body IMO, and i think she's got a perfect facial structure (big mouth, big eyes, small nose, strong cheekbones...) i also like how she LOOKS high sometimes, and i think -out of all the brazilian models, apart from gisele of course- she does the most interesting stuff: she works with "risky" photographers such as terry Richardson, she looks as good in a swimsuit as in a high fashion dress... she's a really "complete" top model in my opinion :p

took the words right out of my mouth.....

I LOVE Ana since 2001. And i've met her too. I talked about My site for her, and her biggest community on orkut. And she was really happy, i talk with her sister SOMETIMES. I've met A LOT i mean I LOT of models, some of them are way nicer. But i look up to Ana, i had tears in my eyes ( i'm not kidding :p ). And she was so kind. I talked to her 2 times :fun: . But other models like Caroline Francischini, Laryssa Castro, Liliane Ferrarezi and etc are the coolest. Because they are not TOP MODELS, or VS angels, but i've met ana, so that was the greatest day of my life. :cry:

Soooo AnaBB Cover you met Ana too? ;) well it's mad cool to know someone else on this board beside myself actually met Ana in person :) She's a mad cool sista too! so down to earth right?! IMO she looks more like a brazilian beauty in person than they make her look in her pictures :drool:

So where is this Orkut community and website you have for Ana? send me a link or something so i can go check it out--baby! ;) betcha you hooked it up really nice! ~Lolz

So you live in Brazil? you gotta tell me some places where me and my Boyz can go and check out some of these models you be meeting all the time! :laugh: Me and my Boyz are gonna be heading to Brazil on vacation in like 4 months from now :p My Company that i own and run has really taken off BIG :clap: so i headin down to Brazil and me and my Boyz are really gonna live it up BIG :fun: :evil:

you wouldn't happen to know where Ana be hangin at when she's back in Brazil--would you?! :whistle:

You said--you talk to Ana's sisters too? Damn! Baby, you got the hookup! ;) I seen a couple of pictures of her sisters on the internet--they GORGEOUS girls too :drool: Ana don't really look nothing like her sisters IMO well maybe--the one named Patricia--just a tiny little bit in the eyes-

3 HOT young ladies :drool: but Ana mos def stands out among her sisters and looks the most different! ;) Ana stands out everywhere! she sure is one unique SMOKING HOT LADY! :evil:

So go on yall! Keep the convo going! ~Lolz~ lets not turn this into a funeral again ;)

Posted (edited)

They used to have that test site didn't they? And now the official one says coming soon. It'll probably be a lot like alessandra's site.

Edited by cutebunny121

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