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^ the above article is a story about Ana's long term ex boyfriend the gallery owner Helly Nahmad, apparently he's been money laundering etc and theres stories about him all over the internet and that his gallery was raided by federal agents :S

  • 1 month later...
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Posted (edited)

I wonder if this is true, I found it on a Brazilian webpage:
Ana Beatriz Barros plans to convert to Islam to marry

Please textlink or upload images onto a host instead of hotlinking. For more information click HERE. Thanks! ~post edited by PinkCouture

Ana Beatriz Barros is already making plans to marry Egyptian businessman Karim El Chiaty. A Brazilian top model is consistent with the possibility of having to convert to Islam to walk down the aisle with the beloved."To get married, I have to convert. Would do that for sure.I'm Catholic, but no matter the religion, the important thing is to receive God's blessing," she told the magazine "Isto É Gente." the blonde assured that marriage is for lifetime. "In my family, there is no divorce and when I will be married forever." For those unaware, Ana Beatriz Chiat and maintain a relationship for a year and a half and are renovating an apartment in London, England, to finally dwell together. Though the ceremony has not yet scheduled, the lovebirds must exchange rings in Ravello, on the Amalfi coast in Italy.
I used Google Translate...anyways, Ana was talking about how she wants to get married to this guy in another interview, couple of months ago. But no ring yet. Now she is saying how she is ready to convert to islam to marry him...it's like she is rushing this marriage thing. Maybe it's just me but if the religion doesn't matter to them why does she have to convert? I love Ana but she's being a fool right now. It's like she thinks she's getting older and feels the pressure to get married but IMO that can't end up in something good...

Edited by PinkCouture

I wonder if this is true, I found it on a Brazilian webpage:


Ana Beatriz Barros plans to convert to Islam to marry


Please textlink or upload images onto a host instead of hotlinking. For more information click HERE. Thanks! ~post edited by PinkCouture


Ana Beatriz Barros is already making plans to marry Egyptian businessman Karim El Chiaty. A Brazilian top model is consistent with the possibility of having to convert to Islam to walk down the aisle with the beloved."To get married, I have to convert. Would do that for sure.I'm Catholic, but no matter the religion, the important thing is to receive God's blessing," she told the magazine "Isto É Gente." the blonde assured that marriage is for lifetime. "In my family, there is no divorce and when I will be married forever." For those unaware, Ana Beatriz Chiat and maintain a relationship for a year and a half and are renovating an apartment in London, England, to finally dwell together. Though the ceremony has not yet scheduled, the lovebirds must exchange rings in Ravello, on the Amalfi coast in Italy.



I used Google Translate...anyways, Ana was talking about how she wants to get married to this guy in another interview, couple of months ago. But no ring yet. Now she is saying how she is ready to convert to islam to marry him...it's like she is rushing this marriage thing. Maybe it's just me but if the religion doesn't matter to them why does she have to convert? I love Ana but she's being a fool right now. It's like she thinks she's getting older and feels the pressure to get married but IMO that can't end up in something good...

I don't think it is true. First of all Karim's family doesn't look like they pay a lot of attention to this kind of stuffs. And second of all I think Karim's mother is catholic. She is Greek, raised in Egypt so she is supposed to be Greek Orthodox. If his parents could get married, Ana and Karim can as well.

  • 8 months later...

Ana Beatriz Barros: "Casarei com um muçulmano, mas não vou me converter"
A modelo e Karim El Chiaty estão planejando unir as escovas em breve. Num bate-papo descontraído no lounge da Glamour no SPFW ela adianta alguns detalhes
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Ana Beatriz Barros (Foto: Cleiby Trevisan)Alguém aí reparou no look superousado e cheio de transparências da top? (Foto: Cleiby Trevisan)

Uma das mulheres mais lindas do mundo vai casar! A top Ana Beatriz Barros deu uma passadinha no lounge da Glamour no SPFW e aproveitamos a visita ilustre para saber todos os detalhes de seu futuro casamento com Karim El Chiaty, empresário egípcio e muçulmano com quem namora há pouco mais de dois anos. Olha só o que ela tem a nos dizer...

Glamour Brasil: A gente sabe que você namora há um tempinho... e aí, vai rolar casamento?
Ana Beatriz Barros: Logo, logo! Mas quando for a hora, todo mundo vai saber.

Glamour Brasil: Mas e depois de casar, como vai ser o seu ritmo de trabalho?
Ana Beatriz Barros: O mesmo, não vai mudar nada não. Aliás, a única coisa que vai mudar é que minha base vai ser em Londres. Mas vou manter meu apartamento aqui no Brasil e em Nova York. E estou trabalhando mais do que nunca, acabei de fazer a campanha do perfume da Azzaro, com o Ian Somerhalder, me tornei embaixadora da Intimissimi, que foram duas conquistas profissionais enormes!

Glamour Brasil: E Londres, tá animada com a mudança?
Ana Beatriz Barros: Sim! Eu estou descobrindo a cidade, mas adoro os parques, cavalgo bastante no Hyde Park – pratico desde os sete anos –, adoro Tate Modern...

Glamour Brasil: E o noivo (Karim El Chiat) é muçulmano, né? Como vai ficar a religião, você vai precisar se converter ao islamismo?
Ana Beatriz Barros: Não, não vou precisar. A mãe dele é católica e ele não é religioso, então vou continuar com a minha religião, que é a católica.

Glamour Brasil: E como vai ser a cerimônia, religiosa?
Ana Beatriz Barros: Não, vamos fazer só uma cerimônia, sem religioso.

Glamour Brasil: E a família dele, te adora?
Ana Beatriz Barros: Sim! No Carnaval a minha família conheceu a família dele, todo mundo se adorou, foi ótimo.

Glamour Brasil: E a casa, vai ser como você sempre sonhou?
Ana Beatriz Barros: Sim, já estamos construindo! Vai ser do jeitinho que eu imaginei, e lógico, com um closet enome! O Karim ainda queria que fosse metade pra cada um, mas eu falei “Closet de mulher precisa de um espaço maior, né!”. Ah, e o quarto tem que ter uma TV enorme, da melhor qualidade, porque eu amo assistir filmes.

Glamour Brasil: E o vestido de noiva, Ana?
Ana Beatriz Barros: Quero que seja Elie Saab ou Valentino. Mas ainda não comecei a ver isso.

  • 4 months later...

I wonder if this is true, I found it on a Brazilian webpage:


Ana Beatriz Barros plans to convert to Islam to marry


Please textlink or upload images onto a host instead of hotlinking. For more information click HERE. Thanks! ~post edited by PinkCouture


Ana Beatriz Barros is already making plans to marry Egyptian businessman Karim El Chiaty. A Brazilian top model is consistent with the possibility of having to convert to Islam to walk down the aisle with the beloved."To get married, I have to convert. Would do that for sure.I'm Catholic, but no matter the religion, the important thing is to receive God's blessing," she told the magazine "Isto É Gente." the blonde assured that marriage is for lifetime. "In my family, there is no divorce and when I will be married forever." For those unaware, Ana Beatriz Chiat and maintain a relationship for a year and a half and are renovating an apartment in London, England, to finally dwell together. Though the ceremony has not yet scheduled, the lovebirds must exchange rings in Ravello, on the Amalfi coast in Italy.



I used Google Translate...anyways, Ana was talking about how she wants to get married to this guy in another interview, couple of months ago. But no ring yet. Now she is saying how she is ready to convert to islam to marry him...it's like she is rushing this marriage thing. Maybe it's just me but if the religion doesn't matter to them why does she have to convert? I love Ana but she's being a fool right now. It's like she thinks she's getting older and feels the pressure to get married but IMO that can't end up in something good...

As an ex-muslim i can say that she could be an atheist like me, instead of converting her religion.

  • 4 months later...

Finally! They've been dating since 2010? Anyways, congrats to Ana and Karim!!!

No, I think last November was 3 years since they are together. She posted pic on instagram.

I remember him before Ana started dating him. Surly it wasnt 2010!

  • 2 years later...
  • 2 months later...

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