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Messi's tear-stained napkin on sale for $1 million

A napkin that was allegedly used by Lionel Messi during his farewell press conference in Barcelona last week has been put for sale for $1 million on the Mercado Libre platform.


This popped up on my youtube feed and the comment section LOL




Lion spokesman: we don't want to take revenge on wounded gazelles


Nazi Spokesman: We don't want to take revenge on the Jews, we're just... Relocating them


This is a huge example of “actions speak louder than words”


In taliban language, “we grant you amnesty” actually means “ we grant you a decapitation”


This has that big "I just want to talk to him" energy..


"They are our valuable assets and MUST stay in the county" MUST. Ominous


“The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist”—Charles Baudelaire.


haha, more:


I just want to remind everyone that we just saw the Taliban run a City Hall meeting…


"Where are you McClane? I promise I won't hurt you."


"we dont want them to leave this soil, never"..... as fertilizer


This generation grew up with the media. They know what we want to hear


Lazy Co-Worker: "If I could just get that promotion, I'll work harder." Fat Person: "If I could just get that 6 pack, I'll eat better." Gangbanger: "If I could just make more money, I'll stop selling drugs." Taliban: "If you could just make me ruler, I'll stop committing crimes against defenseless people."


this is awesome. they are campaigning just like OUR politicians. "trust me" 8 months later


He has such an honest face. I trust him!


“Don’t worry. It’s not revenge we taking. Just punishment.”

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