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Laetitia Casta

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Ok now lets see if this works

Although all visions of Laetitia own my soul, if I were forced to pick just one

This would be it


I don't believe I saw this one on my journey through this thread but if it was present, I make no apology for repost, for there can be no such thing as seeing an image of Laetitia too many times.

Beautiful alright but I don't find her all that appealing :cain:

Well, that's a matter of taste, isn't it?

Me personally think there's no one more beautiful on this earth and I find her VERY appealing :drool:


Here's the rest of the set Ads740 posted, and my first post, from the Federica catalogue 1994-95:

77786rarelc2030122335lofb8.th.jpg 77807rarelc2032122342loiz4.th.jpg 77818rarelc2033122500lorz8.th.jpg post-5154-0-1446018191-70881_thumb.jpg

77964rarelc2034122399lolr3.th.jpg 78367rarelc2044122599lony3.th.jpg 78511rarelc2045122349lofb3.th.jpg 78752rarelc2047122477loyr0.th.jpg

post-5154-0-1446018193-54785_thumb.jpg post-5154-0-1446018193-58586_thumb.jpg post-5154-0-1446018193-62113_thumb.jpg post-5154-0-1446018193-66825_thumb.jpg

th_03713_rarelc2048_122_517lo.jpg post-5154-0-1446018193-69518_thumb.jpg post-5154-0-1446018193-73857_thumb.jpg post-5154-0-1446018194-49478_thumb.jpg

Do not post thumbnails or small images side by side resulting in it equaling greater than 600 pixels.Thanks, AnaBB Cover

Well, that's a matter of taste, isn't it?

Me personally think there's no one more beautiful on this earth and I find her VERY appealing :drool:

That particular line forms on the left and mind you, :clobber: no cutting in front of me if you are fond of the current arrangment of your limbs :laugh:

No seriously :war: linejumpers

heck :war: everybody ahead of me in line.




Nice set Paul (Y) I love the top pic :wub: :ermm: but if only they had placed the words off to one side.

Also in my capacity as a lurker on the Zouzou board let me be the first to alert this one of this amazing video on Youtube

Laetitia Sings :wub: Looking so lovely :wub: Nice (planned?) pratfall :drool: Resolution good even on fullscreen (Y)

Though two things :yuckky:

I don't know or understand French :(

I :angry: that lucky bastiche for doing something I'll never get to do :cry2:

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