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Daniella with her daughter Gabriela, four months old, at Ipanema beach in Rio. (17th and 21th February)

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"Em recente entrevista ao EGO, Daniella contou que não pensa em voltar a trabalhar tão cedo: 'Trabalho desde os 12 anos, agora quero curtir a maternidade. Meu objetivo maior é ser mãe'."

Translation (my Portuguese is not the best but I hope you can unterstand the translation): "In a recent interview with EGO, Daniella said she does not think about returning to work soon: 'I have worked since 12 years, now want to enjoy motherhood. My ultimate goal is to become a mother'."

source ego.globo.com


Thank you, mickiala. And it's no problem for me to translate the piece. ;)

Daniella as a devil at Carnival in Rio de Janeiro

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From last Friday, 4th of March.

Five months after gave birth to her daughter Daniella Sarahyba dressed up as a devil and go to the "Gala of the City of Rio de Janeiro"/Carnival gala (it's an annual event in Rio (said my bf)).

Married with Wolff Klabin, Daniella said that she's slowly "returning to life". But it doesn't mean that you can forget some necessary precautions (like to breastfeed every three hours the child). Little Gabriela will enjoy the carnival as "little, blue fairy" (Daniella said it). It's a fantasy of Daniella when she was a little girl.

The original texts are a little bit longer but I'm sure that you aren't interested in Madonna's ex boyfriend or some Brazilian politicans.

source: ego.globo.com and diversao.terra.com.br

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