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Thanks Kissmonserrat! I think I have posted some of these before though, but maybe in a lower res or something.

And thanks to Badassqueen too!!



Been looking for the images from this editorial for some time, finally found it :)


Vision Magazine

Photographer: Michael Donovan

Makeup: Elisa Flowers


post-88818-0-1446087269-09224_thumb.jpg post-88818-0-1446087269-40421_thumb.jpg  post-88818-0-1446087269-41531_thumb.jpg


Omg love those!! Thanks so much for posting! :woot:

BTW it is so weird to hear her talk like we have heard her talk 3 (?) times already but her voice just sounds so different than what I expected haha. It weirds me out every time :p

I just checked Pixie Markets insta, they have posted 42 pics of Roos if I am correct. Also from the insta posts I suspect some catalog images haven't been posted. I'll check and try to post everything this week :)


Roosmarijn is now in Australia visiting her new agency London Management Group! Their website already launched a portfolio for her. Here are some images from it that haven't been posted before:

post-88818-0-1446087278-15701_thumb.jpg post-88818-0-1446087278-50166_thumb.jpg post-88818-0-1446087278-89629_thumb.jpg post-88818-0-1446087279-31995_thumb.jpg

Then some images from the lookbooks "Dancing Queen" and "Heat Wave) by Nasty Gal (most of these images have been posted before different versions though)

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Photographer Felisha Tolentino

Make Up Caroline Ramos

Styling Ashley Glorioso

CORRECTION OF A PREVIOUS POST: previously I posted that Roos is represented by Ice Models Milan. But through my fan instagram account (@roosmarijndekokdaily) I have been informed by one of her other agencies that this is not the case. Her only Italian agency for now is thus Monster Management.

BTW thanks for the Nasty Gal BQ! :flower:


Magic Mike XXL Australian premiere on July 6, 2015 in Sydney, Australia.

post-92060-0-1446087315-26418_thumb.jpg th_8feae0420367197.jpg/monthly_07_2015/post-92060-0-1446087315-27338_thumb.jpg" data-fileid="3797363" alt="post-92060-0-1446087315-27338_thumb.jpg" data-ratio="100">

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