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ZOMG look at precious little Bar!


Thanks for the assorted links and pictures, wijn! :wave: It is so lovely to see all these photos of Bar when she was a baby and a little girl. It goes to show you what a natural and authentic beautiful girl she truly is. :)

I have never noticed it before, but it was pointed out to me that the yellow gold stick necklace Bar was wearing during her SI 2012 photoshoot, happens to be a Jennifer Meyer jewelry piece.


wijn, I like that long red skirt she wore on the pictures of her with her friends!


Yes she is, they visited her while they were in Israel a few weeks ago.

I need to find that cute picture of her and Ruby :wub:



while bar is playing with puppies and going to party in eilat esti ginzborg is in contact with VS


as i said by the way bar is much better than esti but esti is working.

I think Bar works enough, she has to give herself quality life as well. Sure for us the more she works the better it is cause we'll get to see her, but... I wouldn't compare. Different models, different ways.

And I have to agree with you, she seems to be a future great mom! Actually, that's something I can't wait to see!


That tweetpic of Bar with the puppies is absolutely adorable! :) The funny thing is that the one on the left looks exactly like my own little Jack when he was a baby 7 years ago. So cool!

Thanks also, wijn for the precious candid of Bar with Jennifer Meyer's little girl. So sweet how they're holding one another. That picture was taken when Tobey and Jennifer visited Israel the week before Easter.

I think Bar loves Jennifer's jewelry. We've seen her wearing the beautiful diamond encrusted leaf necklace.


The gold heart necklace



So that's why I posted the one of her wearing the gold stick necklace during the last SI photoshoot.


bar looks so adorable with ruby, oh my god. i hope she decides to have children of her own, i think she would be such a great mother :')

now only need to find a father haha

I am also convinced she will be a great mom. ;) We have seen her looking perfectly comfortable with Ruby and how she seems to be so happy in Vivienne's presence



and the way she has been cherishing her dogs for years


She looks like a reliable and warm young woman who has strong family values, so yes, I expect to see her in a near future with a little one who will inherit her gorgeous genes!

A fan wrote to meet to ask when she got MishMish (the white little Maltese). I only know that it was Leo DiCaprio who offered her Pucci ( the darker one) in 2006. We can see pictures of them when they adopted him at the Staryorkie kennel in LA. Both are precious little cuties!

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