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Anais Pouliot
Michea Crawford 1
Lais Ribeiro 14
Soo Joo Park 

Vanessa Axente
Chrissy Teigen


Dioni Tabbers 15
Stephanie Rose Bertram
Martha Hunt
Sandra Kubicka 

Anna Christine Speckhart
Nicole Trunfio


Group 1:
Anais Pouliot - 2
Michea Crawford - 6
Lais Ribeiro - 4
Soo Joo Park - 2
Vanessa Axente - 1

Chrissy Teigen


Group 2:
Dioni Tabbers - 5
Stephanie Rose Bertram - 1
Martha Hunt - 1
Sandra Kubicka - 1
Anna Christine Speckhart - 1
Nicole Trunfio - 6

Anais Pouliot 6

Michea Crawford 1

Lais Ribeiro 8

Soo Joo Park 

Vanessa Axente

Chrissy Teigen




Dioni Tabbers 1

Stephanie Rose Bertram

Martha Hunt 12

Sandra Kubicka 1

Anna Christine Speckhart 1

Nicole Trunfio


Group 1:
Anais Pouliot    5
Michea Crawford  5
Lais Ribeiro     5
Soo Joo Park 

Vanessa Axente
Chrissy Teigen


Group 2:
Dioni Tabbers            6
Stephanie Rose Bertram   3
Martha Hunt
Sandra Kubicka 

Anna Christine Speckhart 3
Nicole Trunfio           3

Group 1:

Anais Pouliot

Michea Crawford - 3

Lais Ribeiro - 10

Soo Joo Park 

Vanessa Axente

Chrissy Teigen - 2


Group 2:

Dioni Tabbers 

Stephanie Rose Bertram 

Martha Hunt - 5

Sandra Kubicka - 5

Anna Christine Speckhart 

Nicole Trunfio - 5


Group 1:
Anais Pouliot 6
Michea Crawford
Lais Ribeiro 4
Soo Joo Park 

Vanessa Axente
Chrissy Teigen 5


Group 2:
Dioni Tabbers
Stephanie Rose Bertram
Martha Hunt
Sandra Kubicka 

Anna Christine Speckhart 15
Nicole Trunfio


Group 1:
Anais Pouliot - 13
Michea Crawford
Lais Ribeiro - 2
Soo Joo Park
Vanessa Axente
Chrissy Teigen


Group 2:
Dioni Tabbers - 5
Stephanie Rose Bertram
Martha Hunt

Sandra Kubicka 
Anna Christine Speckhart - 10
Nicole Trunfio

Group 1:

Anais Pouliot 3.5 

Michea Crawford 

Lais Ribeiro 8


Soo Joo Park 

Vanessa Axente

Chrissy Teigen 3.5




Group 2:

Dioni Tabbers 5

Stephanie Rose Bertram 

Martha Hunt


Sandra Kubicka  

Anna Christine Speckhart 5

Nicole Trunfio 5


Anais Pouliot
Michea Crawford 15
Lais Ribeiro
Soo Joo Park 

Vanessa Axente
Chrissy Teigen


Group 2:
Dioni Tabbers 4
Stephanie Rose Bertram 7
Martha Hunt
Sandra Kubicka 

Anna Christine Speckhart 4
Nicole Trunfio

Group 1:

Anais Pouliot 7.5

Michea Crawford 7.5

Lais Ribeiro

Soo Joo Park 

Vanessa Axente

Chrissy Teigen




Group 2:

Dioni Tabbers 2

Stephanie Rose Bertram 8

Martha Hunt

Sandra Kubicka 4

Anna Christine Speckhart 

Nicole Trunfio 1 


Group 1:

Anais Pouliot

Michea Crawford -7

Lais Ribeiro-6

Soo Joo Park

Vanessa Axente-2

Chrissy Teigen


Group 2:

Dioni Tabbers

Stephanie Rose Bertram

Martha Hunt

Sandra Kubicka -15

Anna Christine Speckhart

Nicole Trunfio


Group 1:
Anais Pouliot 13

Michea Crawford 2
Lais Ribeiro
Soo Joo Park 

Vanessa Axente 
Chrissy Teigen


Group 2:
Dioni Tabbers 3
Stephanie Rose Bertram 
Martha Hunt 3
Sandra Kubicka  

Anna Christine Speckhart 9
Nicole Trunfio


Group 1:
Anais Pouliot
Michea Crawford 

Lais Ribeiro - 1
Soo Joo Park - 5

Vanessa Axente - 5
Chrissy Teigen - 4


Group 2:
Dioni Tabbers - 8
Stephanie Rose Bertram - 6
Martha Hunt - 1
Sandra Kubicka  

Anna Christine Speckhart 
Nicole Trunfio


Group 1:
Anais Pouliot
Michea Crawford - 14
Lais Ribeiro - 1
Soo Joo Park 

Vanessa Axente
Chrissy Teigen



Group 2:
This is the worst :no: !


Dioni Tabbers - 15
Stephanie Rose Bertram :pinch: :pinch: :pinch:
Martha Hunt
Sandra Kubicka  - :pinch:
:pinch: :pinch:
Anna Christine Speckhart :/
Nicole Trunfio - the only long legs in this group?


Anais Pouliot 2.5

Michea Crawford

Lais Ribeiro 2.5

Soo Joo Park

Vanessa Axente

Chrissy Teigen 10 #YOLO


Dioni Tabbers

Stephanie Rose Bertram 2.5

Martha Hunt 2.5

Sandra Kubicka

Anna Christine Speckhart 10 :heart:

Nicole Trunfio





Anais Pouliot
Michea Crawford
Lais Ribeiro


Team Score: 302

MPV: Lais - 121 pts




Soo Joo Park
Vanessa Axente
Chrissy Teigen


Team Score: 58

MPV: Vanessa & Chrissy - 25.5 pts






Dioni Tabbers
Stephanie Rose Bertram
Martha Hunt


Team Score: 201.5

MPV: Dioni - 82.5 pts





Sandra Kubicka
Anna Christine Speckhart
Nicole Trunfio


Team Score: 158.5

MPV: Anna - 82.5 pts




All scores will be revealed at the end of the competition

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