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I know. :smile: They've added looks the last two years, and recycled some more wings as well I think to add a couple to the show. I'm sure we'll end up with at least 85 looks, if not a couple more than that.  If they did that and give the Angels 3 outfits each, there would be 50~ outfits left for 37 girls. Assuming Pink girls only get one look (some of them got 2 last year) there could still be 12~ girls that get two looks (regulars and Kengi). It might work out that the Angels get 3 outfits still. I'll cross my fingers for it. 


I say it's going to be Ale's last show every year, and it never is. :rofl: Her and Lily are the only ones I can see maybe going. I was actually wondering about the New Angels. They had 1 year contracts when they were first assigned. Do you guys think they all signed the typical 3 year extension this year?

8 minutes ago, BehatiPrincess said:

I'm so sad that Vita's not in!! She's worked so hard for them, they can give a spot to bland Bella and average Kendall and not her?! UGH :angry:


Bella & Kendall are famous and as such bring the show extra press and hopefully extra viewers.

Vita is just another no name model that viewers don't care about and don't tune in for. Giving her spot (and others) to the more famous models is a smart move on VS's part. Yes we don't like it but look at it from a business perspective.


wonder why Kendall didnt post anything about it and just liked some fans accounts confirmations . i guess she knows she will get hate if she post :yess im doing my second show blah blah .


By Other hand im quite interested to see Camille Rowe but if u guys noticed also Constance J was probably the first confirmed for the show beside the angels just because is french ? Camille and Constance are huge in France so thats probably why they are in.  i remenber when the VS show was on UK and Cara with Jourdan were confirmed quickly tho.


Last year ratings flopped hard so IDK if Kendull and Gigi are really that much of a big draw, if anything I think lots of people get annoyed by having to see them again


If we are going by this board there are 68 looks without Pink. And if you see the Pink board while Sophia is talking there are 14 outfits. So 82 outfits. But could be more or less.IMG_2355.PNG

6 minutes ago, peroxideblonde said:

extra viewers? why last year the ratings were down from 2014 then


5 minutes ago, Clauds said:

Last year ratings flopped hard so IDK if Kendull and Gigi are really that much of a big draw, if anything I think lots of people get annoyed by having to see them again



Just because ratings were down overall doesn't mean those models didn't bring in viewers. Without Gigi and Kendall the show might have had even crappier ratings. In fact MOST shows are down, and year after year it's getting worse because torrenting is a huge factor in the slip in viewership


Both sides of the coin guys, look at both sides first not just the sides you want to see.


^ Yes, you think that Alessandra will go to end after these years but I guess it is one of the oldest best rated in the firm and would be a great loss in viewers. At least people who follow the show while ... I think Adriana is a fundamental part but is already very surprised view and not much lately. Until we get an angel of his stature as Candice I do not think let her go soon. I would like to renew with girls and more variety, but I do not want to see the Hadid there or Hailey. I would not surprise me someday entering ugh


They also just get more press in general. :idk: Even if people aren't explicitly watching the show, all the online articles about BellaKenGi are free press/promo for VS. I've already seen FB trending articles about them, the Snapchat explore story was about Bella getting the show the other day, Dailymail is probably going to post every show related instagram each of them posts, etc. I don't like them in the show but I get why they get cast. 


Thanks Kevork. I had 12 in my head for Pink for some reason. Either way, if they add just a few more outfits, 3 outfits for the Angels is definitely doable for them. :yes: 


Alright I'm finally going to address TFS person who tried to "legendary rag? rake? rage?" me... I dunno your slang. I'll post exactly what I sent @toodarnhot




Oh also because I'm a racist who picks on Jasmine and has always hated her (even though I've wanted her as a angel for 4+ years).


On 5/27/2015 at 0:23 PM, Prettyphile said:



Just need to get Hailey Clauson in there and I would be happy.

Hailey is doing PINK atm, so here's to hoping right? :hehe:


On 12/10/2012 at 3:49 PM, Prettyphile said:


If I had to keep one or two of the current angels: Alessandra & Miranda


HEAVEN FORBID I mix up two black models after just waking up. Racist..... lol I mix up white models all the time, but that's okay.... racist still.


And yes Jasmine needed to not be with Tobias...because he's dream boyfriend. I wouldn't care if Tobi was dating a White girl, Latino, Asian, Black girl, Bob, Green girl, a Cat, a Plant, a Soda can, whatever his kink is..... Get out my way bitch, he's mine.


Now perhaps you should stop projecting and taking things way out of context, especially considering I've been a fan of Jasmine since day 1.
The only negative thing I've ever really said that is that she reminds me more of an actress then a model. And that's just because she has a very commercially beautiful face. Versus an edgy high fashion one. :smile:

56 minutes ago, elfstone said:

Not just VS work, but Vita's whole modeling career maybe in trouble, thanks to the surgical procedures she's had done to herself. Its starting to show now :ninja:

Say what?? What surgeries?! 

For me she did not stand out so much, I won't miss her too much. 


I'm mostly excited for Megan Williams, Brooke Perry, and Grace Elizabeth from the newbies. Looking forward to seeing Taylor Hill again, for me she has the prettiest face out of everyone. Excited to see Sanne in a better outfit/s. I didn't mind Gigi or Kendull. Bella is okay. It just seems weird that all these reality stars are now in VSFS. 


I can't imagine Bella at the show though... intrigued to see how she looks on stage.




Yeah, it seems weird that Karlie is just supposedly coming back. I love her walk though, and definitely wouldn't mind seeing her in the show again.


I wonder when VS is releasing more info...

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