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Bianca Balti (B) - 16
Bojana Krsmanovic
Rose Bertram (A) - 5
Vita Sidorkina (B)
Vita Sidorkina (C) - 16
Hannah Davis (A)
Hannah Ferguson (C) - 13
Kate Bock (A)
Vita Sidorkina (G)


Bianca Balti (B)
Bojana Krsmanovic
Rose Bertram (A) 50
Vita Sidorkina (B)
Vita Sidorkina (C)
Hannah Davis (A)
Hannah Ferguson (C)
Kate Bock (A)
Vita Sidorkina (G)


Bianca Balti (B) - 8
Bojana Krsmanovic - 5
Rose Bertram (A) - 5
Vita Sidorkina (B) - 5
Vita Sidorkina (C)
Hannah Davis (A)  - 5
Hannah Ferguson (C) -17
Kate Bock (A) - 5
Vita Sidorkina (G)




Phase III: Tipping Points (Round 3)


ld2dBtNS.jpg Fc74jlmN.jpg

Ashley Graham, Genie Bouchard


VpLlkIFE.jpg 2XcyXon0.jpg BpicMGaK.jpg

Aly Raisman, Barbara Palvin (B), Hailey Clauson & Bojana Krsmanovic


xD2nLvc7.jpg 9F1Kl3ZN.jpg KAIvAjoJ.jpg vOrlESUU.jpg

Hailey Clauson (B), Kate Upton (E), Nina Agdal (A), Vita Sidorkina (D)


You have 50 points to distribute among the 9 photos. "0" are allowed as long as all 50 points are distributed. You could give all 50 points to one photo if you like. In addition to how the model looks please also consider:
- The aesthetics of scenery & setting
- The mood, feeling and tone of the image
- How the photo was shot (camera angle, editing, visual effects, filters, etc.)
- How memorable and iconic is the image


NOTE: Some rounds may have the same model appearing multiple times. Please note the letter tag in parentheses after the image to indicate how you will enter your vote.




Copy & Paste the following onto a new post to rank

Ashley Graham
Genie Bouchard
Aly Raisman
Barbara Palvin (B)
Hailey & Bojana
Hailey Clauson (B)
Kate Upton (E)
Nina Agdal (A)
Vita Sidorkina (D)


Ashley Graham
Genie Bouchard  20
Aly Raisman
Barbara Palvin (B)  13
Hailey & Bojana
Hailey Clauson (B)  5
Kate Upton (E)
Nina Agdal (A)
Vita Sidorkina (D)  12


Ashley Graham 0
Genie Bouchard 5
Aly Raisman 0
Barbara Palvin (B) 19
Hailey & Bojana 2
Hailey Clauson (B) 7
Kate Upton (E) 10
Nina Agdal (A) 2
Vita Sidorkina (D) 5


Ashley Graham
Genie Bouchard
Aly Raisman
Barbara Palvin (B) 30
Hailey & Bojana
Hailey Clauson (B)
Kate Upton (E)
Nina Agdal (A) 10
Vita Sidorkina (D) 10


Ashley Graham     7
Genie Bouchard    3
Barbara Palvin (B)  15
Hailey & Bojana     7
Kate Upton (E)      3
Vita Sidorkina (D) 15

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