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Phase III: Tipping Points (Round 1)


6PO6UVq0.jpg YK4y9XQe.jpg MmfjFwIS.jpg ohuXQKHk.jpg

Barbara Palvin (A), (C), (F), (G)

X0QuFhSi.jpg oL5MCYni.jpg

Hannah Davis (B), Hannah Ferguson (A)


SVUW2ZHF.jpg 2kbIugHi.jpg GrjC6ifB.jpg

Lais Ribeiro (A), Lais Ribeiro (B), Vita Sidorkina (A)



You have 50 points to distribute among the 9 photos. "0" are allowed as long as all 50 points are distributed. You could give all 50 points to one photo if you like. In addition to how the model looks please also consider:-
- How well would the image work as a SI cover (in some cases a fold-out cover)?
- How iconic, memorable and aesthetically pleasing is the image?
- How much mass appeal does the image have?
- Would the image persuade the average consumer to purchase the magazine?
- How good of a representation is the image of SI?


NOTE: Some rounds may have the same model appearing multiple times. Please note the letter tag in parentheses after the image to indicate how you will enter your vote.




Copy & Paste the following onto a new post to rank:

Barbara Palvin (A)
Barbara Palvin (C)
Barbara Palvin (F)
Barbara Palvin (G)
Hannah Davis (B)
Hannah Ferguson (A)
Lais Ribeiro (A)
Lais Ribeiro (B)
Vita Sidorkina (A)


Barbara Palvin (A) 10
Barbara Palvin (C) 10
Barbara Palvin (F) 2
Barbara Palvin (G) 10
Hannah Davis (B) 8
Hannah Ferguson (A) 0
Lais Ribeiro (A) 10
Lais Ribeiro (B) 0
Vita Sidorkina (A) 0


Barbara Palvin (A) - 10
Barbara Palvin (C)
Barbara Palvin (F) - 23
Barbara Palvin (G) - 5
Hannah Davis (B)
Hannah Ferguson (A)
Lais Ribeiro (A) - 12
Lais Ribeiro (B)
Vita Sidorkina (A)


Barbara Palvin (A) 20
Barbara Palvin (C)
Barbara Palvin (F) 10
Barbara Palvin (G)
Hannah Davis (B)
Hannah Ferguson (A)
Lais Ribeiro (A)
Lais Ribeiro (B) 20
Vita Sidorkina (A)


Barbara Palvin (A) - 20
Barbara Palvin (C) - 5
Barbara Palvin (F) - 10
Barbara Palvin (G)
Hannah Davis (B)
Hannah Ferguson (A)
Lais Ribeiro (A) - 5
Lais Ribeiro (B) - 10
Vita Sidorkina (A)


Barbara Palvin (A) - 12
Barbara Palvin (C) - 3
Barbara Palvin (F) - 5
Barbara Palvin (G) - 5
Hannah Davis (B) - 2
Hannah Ferguson (A) - 6
Lais Ribeiro (A) - 6
Lais Ribeiro (B) - 6
Vita Sidorkina (A) - 5



Phase III: Tipping Points (Round 2)


Iugy6XPZ.jpg RUNTR9ZG.jpg acC8yppp.jpg

Barbara Palvin (H), Bojana Krsmanovic, Kate Bock


1x01eCqE.jpg 3FejJAVD.jpg

Hannah Davis (A), Hannah Ferguson (B)


L9P1c7iV.jpg xKEMilez.jpg ZtLTooDA.jpg mPVr9kq9.jpg
Vita Sidorkina (C), (D), (F), (G)




You have 50 points to distribute among the 9 photos. "0" are allowed as long as all 50 points are distributed. You could give all 50 points to one photo if you like. In addition to how the model looks please also consider:-
- How well would the image work as a SI cover (in some cases a fold-out cover)?
- How iconic, memorable and aesthetically pleasing is the image?
- How much mass appeal does the image have?
- Would the image persuade the average consumer to purchase the magazine?
- How good of a representation is the image of SI?


NOTE: Some rounds may have the same model appearing multiple times. Please note the letter tag in parentheses after the image to indicate how you will enter your vote.




Copy & Paste the following onto a new post to rank:

Barbara Palvin (H)
Bojana Krsmanovic
Kate Bock

Hannah Davis (A)
Hannah Ferguson (B)
Vita Sidorkina (C)
Vita Sidorkina (D)
Vita Sidorkina (F)
Vita Sidorkina (G)


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