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14 minutes ago, Clauds said:

I don't know how to phrase did without coming off as a major racist bitch, especially considering I a mixed race person myself :rofl: but how are Chinese visions on WOC? Because looking at the callbacks I see a lot of white girls and seems like almost no black girls made it to the callbacks, like step back after last year. Could it be because the show is in China and VS wants women that would do well there? I am not familiar with anyone in China so I'm not sure what their views on aesthetic are, but I do notice that there's rarely WOC in Chinese covers or campaigns (and Asian publications in general)


As someone who has lived in HK and am around a lot of Chinese people, part of your assumption is correct :ninja:

1 minute ago, PinkCouture said:


As someone who has lived in HK and am around a lot of Chinese people, part of your assumptions are correct :ninja:


I figured they would be :rofl: Back home in Venezuela and while living in the US I was just another mixed/brown girl, here in Argentina everyone thinks I'm like some African/Caribbean queen because I tend to be the darkest person in the room and I'm not that dark. Most of magazines and campaigns here go to white girls, you'll rarely see a WOC or even a mixed woman on TV or campaigns here. I figured China would be like that and I do think it could hurt the number of WOC we'll see this year if VS is really pushing for that market, hopefully I'm wrong tho I loved how diverse the cast was last year.


Martha and Jasmine are at the VS offices, no idea why tho.

16 minutes ago, Clauds said:


I figured they would be :rofl: Back home in Venezuela and while living in the US I was just another mixed/brown girl, here in Argentina everyone thinks I'm like some African/Caribbean queen because I tend to be the darkest person in the room and I'm not that dark. Most of magazines and campaigns here go to white girls, you'll rarely see a WOC or even a mixed woman on TV or campaigns here. I figured China would be like that and I do think it could hurt the number of WOC we'll see this year if VS is really pushing for that market, hopefully I'm wrong tho I loved how diverse the cast was last year.


Martha and Jasmine are at the VS offices, no idea why tho.


Maybe they'll shoot something about castings for during the show, and let Martha and Jasmine host it? I have no idea either lol


Martha is wearing an outfit that she was fitted/styled for with Elsa a few days ago, so I'm guessing if it is casting related, it'll be Elsa paired up with someone else for tomorrow? 


I could see them having the girls host/interview the models for the Making Of videos or something. :idk: 


Also, I agree that the amount of black/brown models walking this year is going to go down thanks to the show location, I also think we'll (hopefully) see an increase of representation of Asian models, which is something VS has never really done well with imo. :idk:  I'm definitely not saying it's okay to replace one kind of representation with another, but I think that's what's VS will end up doing to please the Chinese market. 


I think Martha & Jas' appearance in the office is related to the new VS collection. Pretty sure VS will have a launch event so maybe these two will host it? 


Callbacks August 21st

- Kelly Gale (confirmed via Instagram)

- Shanina Shaik (confirmed via Instagram)

- Bridget Malcolm (confirmed via Instagram)

- Jessie Li  (confirmed via Instagram)

- Georgia Fowler (confirmed via Instagram)

- Devon Windsor (confirmed via Instagram)

- Keke Lingard (confirmed via Instagram)

- Cindy Bruna (confirmed via Instagram)

- Blanca Padilla

- Tako N

- Leomie Anderson (confirmed via instagram)

- Josie Canseco (confirmed via instagram)

- Ashika Pratt


YASSS Leomi, I love her :heart: 


Martha and Jas are there to do tape something for the castings. Means indeed we'll probably see Elsa and another girl tomorrow, please lord let it be Taylor

7 hours ago, luxyvs said:

Want to share one of the happiest days of my life with you guys.. 


LOLZ to this post....

mab.44Megan let's be honest, you only got the show in 2015 because of your mom.. you're not material ??‍♀️

[email protected] let's be honest, you have no clue what you're talking about ??‍♀️


heyhuardHoney... u needsboobs...VS... ?


I mean, I dislike Megan for VS too, and have been plenty vocal about it on the forums, but some of y'all are straight nasty shouting in her face about how much she sucks, and then being gleeful when she blocks you? Yikes. 

1 hour ago, PinkCouture said:


As someone who has lived in HK and am around a lot of Chinese people, part of your assumption is correct :ninja:

Parts of China are like Japan and are obsessed with pale skin. Having darker skin represents looking poor: bent over in the fields, working outside in the hot sun and appearing dirty or even old. When I was in Vietnam I had SUPER pale skin (cause fuck going out in the day) and long white hair and I was treated better then the other people I was with who were tan.  Same thing in Japan and Shanghai.


When I was in Shanghai I noticed that almost all the women I saw would go out of their way to slather on sunblock when going outside, carry parasols, and bleach their skin to look as pale as I did. I was complimented so many times and had people pointing in fascination at why my skin was the color it was... I attempted to explain it was nothing more than 20+ years of avoiding the sun like the plague, and genetics and that still wasn't good enough of an explanation, so I introduced my new friends to Ben Nye powder and makeup which is what a lot of goths use to make themselves look that much more pale.


If VS is trying to placate the Asian audience then I wouldn't expect darker skinned models and rather a heavy use of Caucasians with pale skin and light or red hair.  .. that's IF they're trying to placate.


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