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15 hours ago, heartwing said:

Gorgeous photos from the Nicole Benisti shoot!  Can that styling crew go work with VS now? 

Yes, living for this styling but VS won’t let us have nice things. 

On 10/22/2018 at 8:00 PM, medicenevs said:

Obviously Satanelsa and Candevil HAD to be become friends, they're evil minds that take jobs away from friends and shit.:whistle:

your point?


Stunning :heart: 


I can't believe we got another no-costume year tho, sometimes i truly hate this woman. Hopefully this weekend she'll do something but I doubt it because we can't have nice things :rofl:


she looks great in that "between the shots" close up photo...her lips look good, natural and normal for her...I hope she doesn't get them filled before the show...I swear its the same dermatologist Colbert that they all go to, and he stops by and gives some of the angels a "touch up" in the days before the show 😶

1 hour ago, Lowlapez said:

she looks great in that "between the shots" close up photo...her lips look good, natural and normal for her...I hope she doesn't get them filled before the show...I swear its the same dermatologist Colbert that they all go to, and he stops by and gives some of the angels a "touch up" in the days before the show 😶

Yes, she should stop touching her lips! 

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