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On 08/08/2016 at 0:26 PM, Sanni said:


What do they do? :o


I've heard quite a lot of horror stories about it, it's a lot worse for women who don't have health insurance (or money to pay for everything), our public health system is quite terrible, but I think the main thing is the disrespect in general (like yelling at women who are making noises during contractions) and the lack of "patience" that leads to a LOT of completely unnecessary c-sections.

I don't know how things are in other places, but here it's quite common for the doctor to want to schedule your birth on your first appointment and give completely absurd reasons to avoid a natural birth. Other than that, when you do manage to avoid a c-section, they try to speed it up as much as they can (with forceps and episiotomies and actually pressing the belly "down" to hurry everything). Oh, and when you get an episiotomy there's a thing called "husband's stiches" that pretty much means they stich you up to make you "tigher" than before.

Sorry it took me so long to answer and that it's a bit confusing, but that kinda sums it up I guess :smile: 

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