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I stand with Candy on this one. A women breastfeeding her child in public is perfectly natural and shouldnt be the cause of even the slightest scandal. Its not even a matter of whether some culture accepts or rejects it. Its simply a matter that has to do with convenience. TBH I have seen like  a ton of women do that and it didnt cause any agitation or arousal :p


Funny ... Nobody complains about seeing photoshoots topless, or even naked, but they complain about seeing mothers feeding their children. :huh:  

What's wrong with that? If people do not want to see it, just walk away.

She's totally right, proud of Mama Candice!:clap:


This is one of many women's health/body issues men have no say in. Or shouldn't anyways.


If a woman wants to breastfeed her child in public that is her choice. If men feel uncomfortable by it, look away. It is that simple.


Men do not get.... or should not get... to control women to the point some, unfortunately, want to do.


Furthermore, yes, I agree with her. If you're ok looking at a nude breast in a magazine or video but not ok seeing it briefly functioning in the way it was intended to, then you're a massive hypocrite who needs to grow up.


That is ridiculus, breastfeeding off course is natural and it's good both for mothers and babies but this doesn't mean that it's not awkard and make people feel uncomfortable (btw you know men love to see boobies so this isn't a men problem :smile: ) if someone do it publicly without even covering. Also peeing and pooping is really natural too and really urgent but there are specific places where we go to do our job :smile:


Lastly taking a boob photo breastfeeding is just a show up :smile: Not that I don't like it since boobs get bigger after giving birth but just some common sense doesn't hurt :smile: 

19 minutes ago, elfstone said:

^ Equating defecating with breastfeeding, and you dare talk about common sense!! :pinch: 

Go troll somewhere else. Please do not fuck this thread up


I was sure that someone would do that correllation eventhough dirtiness is only in the mind who makes that correlation in that way! The point is about getting nude in public places and that something being natural or urgent is not an excuse!!! Breastfeeding is more than fine even in public when needed but doing it without covering is something else!

45 minutes ago, kochtgr said:


I was sure that someone would do that correllation eventhough dirtiness is only in the mind who makes that correlation in that way! The point is about getting nude in public places and that something being natural or urgent is not an excuse!!! Breastfeeding is more than fine even in public when needed but doing it without covering is something else!

Hardly surprising since it is you and your dirty mind that tried to make that analogy between the two. It is your imagination that compels you to se the breast exclusively as a sexual object. Secondly, peeing in public is not only an act of  'getting nude' but also compromises public hygiene FYI. But maybe its harder for you to grasp if you're oblivious to the idea of hygiene, or basic logic.

1 minute ago, elfstone said:

Hardly surprising since it is you and your dirty mind that tried to make that analogy between the two. Peeing in public is not only an act of  'getting nude' but also compromises public hygiene FYI. But maybe its harder for you to grasp if you're oblivious to the idea of hygiene, or common sense.


ok since you just want to provoke me and continue with this nonsense, is it ok for you a guy or a woman to walk naked in a mall proudly showing his/her privates and mocking/yelling anyone who just feels unconfortable?


There is a tone of clothing for breastfeeding so not covering is a mother who is looking for attention or something else...

4 hours ago, elfstone said:

^ Equating defecating with breastfeeding, and you dare talk about common sense!! :pinch: 

Go troll somewhere else. Please do not fuck this thread up

You are the best :thumbs_up:



Well done, Candice! US has an especially hard problem with breastfeeding. And it varies by community, not nationwide. I have lived in places where a large plurality of women breastfed their children openly and in public, and it was both commonly accepted and not seen as in any way strange/out of the ordinary/shameful/etc. I have also lived in another community less than two hours distance from the first, in which a breastfeeding woman was made to feel shamed and asked to leave public establishments. It is better now in that latter place than it was, but breastfeeding is still wrongfully seen as somehow exotic or shameful. It's also seen as something that might be "ok" for the first few weeks or months but not after that. That is wrongheaded, and based on a combination of the prudishness of American society and the effectiveness of generations of formula manufacturers telling people that their product was far superior to breast milk (wrong). Again, well done, Candice!


First of all, congratulations badboy!! Wish you all the best! :heart:



On the breastfeeding topic, though: Candice is completely right. I don't get how we got to the point in which this has to be discussed, if it is such a natural and beneficial thing for everyone involved. :idk:


Also, couldnt have said it better:

4 hours ago, elfstone said:

Equating defecating with breastfeeding, and you dare talk about common sense!! :pinch: 


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