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ok...i'll post the ones that haven't been posted & some that Matt asked for :laugh: :flower:

sorry if they aren't good...i just wanted to get the scanning done...



please don't remove the tags. if you post it on a different site please credit me.


beyonce doesn't deserve to be on the cover simply because she isn't a model. and this is breaking traditions (sort of). i remember watching a video that SI produced. They were talking about how SI swimsuit issue is so special because the models who they pick get very famous after landing the cover and how the girls that they pick to be on the cover need to have a special quality. It has to be the best picture of the lot. it was prestigious to be on the cover. They talked about how the cover girl will be the next IT supermodel.. and how it would be a milestone for every model out there. But it isn't so now.. they're breaking their traditions.

now tyra and heidi are getting older.. we're looking for a new generation of IT supermodels. yes we all love adriana alessandra ana bb it's not just SI swimsuit edition we're lamenting about, it's also how the industry has sort of weirdly decided to use actresses and singers as models just for publicity. And now, SI, the one magazine we never expected to fall for this has caved it.

It's saddening for us, supermodel supporters. beyonce deserves to be on the cover of every other magazine, except SI.. because they themselves have claimed to be THE magazine that makes or breaks a model's career. so why should they use beyonce? SI's standard has been dropping. and this year it's a new low. their desperation for good sales have cost them to lose the only thing that differentiates them from other magazines. (or rather what they claim makes them so special in the first place)

i liked beyonce when she wasn't SO over rated...no she is not all THAT hot.. not all THAT pretty and not all THAT talented.. hello? can she even scat? does that really qualify as a dance? is that really acting? it just makes me annoyed that she managed to somehow get the cover. i agree with ninanina19 and whoever who said that she probably only got the cover because that's how they convinced her to get into a bikini anyway... so not deserving because they used to choose the best photo. it is only the music issue because that's the only thing that would validate her being on the cover.

and as for this comment "It all just pisses me off that none of you people have black women are your top ten! ....like is their no beautiful black women out there or do they all have to look like children from Ethiopia *Liya cough cough*" well i'm chinese and it's worse for chinese models but i'm not complaining. and by the way if petra is curvy then marissa is curvier. anyway as a person working in the industry.. i'll just tell you that everyone has had their voice digitally enhanced. including beyonce. also in the music industry it is possible to not write songs but claim you wrote it.. i'm not saying she did but don't believe everything you see or hear about the industry because it just isn't so clean cut. You can deny her beauty and music talent because that's dependent on an individual's opinion but that's really not the point. her beauty and talent doesn't make her deserving of the cover of this magazine simply because her photo isn't the best.

and yes those 2 photos are strangely similar.. i don't even hate beyonce.. i am simply unhappy with SI for disappointing us

SI has officially lost their touch.

anyway thanks for the scans

You can deny her beauty and music talent because that's dependent on an individual's opinion but that's really not the point. her beauty and talent doesn't make her deserving of the cover of this magazine simply because her photo isn't the best.

anyway thanks for the scans

Seemingly contradictory pair of sentences here, no?

I know that people's terminology always vary and there's no *right* way of defining things apart from social agreement on what words mean but...

It seems to me that "opinion" is used too ambigously in many many cases (espeically instances like this).

For instance, in the sentence

(a) It is my opinion that 2+2=4

opinion means something completely different than in something like

(b) In my opinion, Miles Davis' "Sketches of Spain" album is better than Beyonce's "B' Day" album.

In (a), we're making a propositional claim about something with a definite truth value.

(b) takes the same *form* but what really differentiates it from something like

(b*) I prefer/enjoy listening to Sketches of Spain more than B' Day


One response is that what makes something 'better' aesthetically is some transcendent property that is not related to/not dependent upon subjective enjoyment. I've got tons of arguments against that but....

it doesn't seem you're using it in that sense anyway, because you say it's okay to deny(and, I suppose you'd also admit, affirm) her beauty or talent because it's just a matter of 'opinion' (in the 'preference' sense). So why is the judgment that her picture isn't the *best* simply non-preferential while judgments of her beauty or talent are preferential/opinion?

Where could one ever find any sort of impartial, non-preferential evidence to support the assertion that her photo isn't the best?

This seems to be the problem that I have with some of nina's arguments. They revolve around admissions that while many people find Beyonce pretty enough to be on the cover (and I suspect most American males and SE readers fall into this group) , because nina and some of her friends disagree, Beyonce doesn't deserve it.

You can't move from an is to an ought like that. No matter which characteristics of Beyonce we list (larger ass than models, larger thighs, dark skin, height, whatever), it's hard to say that because this is how she is physically, people ought to find her attractive or unattractive.

The other arguments all seem to be built on the premise that SI has an obligation to increase the fame and fortune of models. Why should SI show a preference to one group of multi-millionaires over another? Because they traditionally have? That doesn't seem very convincing to me.

And if I seem harsh, I apologise... :blush: ....no disrepect or dislike aimed at anyone here. You all seem pretty cool to me! I just like saying things as clearly as I can and sometimes that comes off as over-aggresive. Sorry if it does! :wave:


The S.I standards are lower,they used to have Elle Mcpherson,Tyra Banks,Heidi Klum,Christy Brikley and Daniela Pestova as their models,even recently then had Petra Nemcova,Carolyn Murphy,Veronica Varekova,Yamila Diaz.Today the girls are I think to thin not so curvy being brazilian you are used to curves,Gisele's are not that comum,the girls got hips,buts,boobs.Beyonce is hot but she is overrated at this point,she is everywhere it gets tired seeing the same face,the sames expression.S.I normaly brings new girls and make them a real supermodel,look at Tyra,Heidi.This year I liked Bar,Daniela Sarayba, Ana, Marissa and Fernanda.I didn't like Raica at all,never liked her anyway they chose Beyonce for the publicity,she is famous and has a lot of fans to by her magazine.

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