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i think this year s.i magazine is not going to sell a lot. i think nobody would want to buy the magazine beyonce been the cover i can't believe petra is not in it and having beyonce instead this is so dumb. the only model i like this year is yamila and irina. where's alicia hall, petra nemcova, noemie lenoir where are the pretty model? instead of putting beyonce s.i 2007 they should off put off somebody better like catrinel menghia, karlien seegers, lorraine van wyk, candice boucher, alina vacariu or jennifer lamiraqui they are a thousand of model that are better looking than her. i think this should be the cover instead 60410154_424059E1CBCE6B47B7DE29678DB064B1.jpg


my favorite cover was the one with petra. my dream is to see josie coming back to s.i she rock i like her in her s.i. images too bad she was never in a cover but my dream is to see someday to make it in the s.i cover. she take very well pictures.

You can deny her beauty and music talent because that's dependent on an individual's opinion but that's really not the point. her beauty and talent doesn't make her deserving of the cover of this magazine simply because her photo isn't the best.

anyway thanks for the scans

Seemingly contradictory pair of sentences here, no?

I know that people's terminology always vary and there's no *right* way of defining things apart from social agreement on what words mean but...

It seems to me that "opinion" is used too ambigously in many many cases (espeically instances like this).

For instance, in the sentence

(a) It is my opinion that 2+2=4

opinion means something completely different than in something like

(b) In my opinion, Miles Davis' "Sketches of Spain" album is better than Beyonce's "B' Day" album.

In (a), we're making a propositional claim about something with a definite truth value.

(b) takes the same *form* but what really differentiates it from something like

(b*) I prefer/enjoy listening to Sketches of Spain more than B' Day


One response is that what makes something 'better' aesthetically is some transcendent property that is not related to/not dependent upon subjective enjoyment. I've got tons of arguments against that but....

it doesn't seem you're using it in that sense anyway, because you say it's okay to deny(and, I suppose you'd also admit, affirm) her beauty or talent because it's just a matter of 'opinion' (in the 'preference' sense). So why is the judgment that her picture isn't the *best* simply non-preferential while judgments of her beauty or talent are preferential/opinion?

Where could one ever find any sort of impartial, non-preferential evidence to support the assertion that her photo isn't the best?

This seems to be the problem that I have with some of nina's arguments. They revolve around admissions that while many people find Beyonce pretty enough to be on the cover (and I suspect most American males and SE readers fall into this group) , because nina and some of her friends disagree, Beyonce doesn't deserve it.

You can't move from an is to an ought like that. No matter which characteristics of Beyonce we list (larger ass than models, larger thighs, dark skin, height, whatever), it's hard to say that because this is how she is physically, people ought to find her attractive or unattractive.

The other arguments all seem to be built on the premise that SI has an obligation to increase the fame and fortune of models. Why should SI show a preference to one group of multi-millionaires over another? Because they traditionally have? That doesn't seem very convincing to me.

And if I seem harsh, I apologise... :blush: ....no disrepect or dislike aimed at anyone here. You all seem pretty cool to me! I just like saying things as clearly as I can and sometimes that comes off as over-aggresive. Sorry if it does! :wave:

i don't know how anyone can even begin to think that that photo of beyonce is the best of the lot. no one is saying she isn't beautiful or talented ior attractive. she's just not that beautiful or talented to get her on the cover of a magazine like SI that traditionally uses models.


Some random pic of a random model? I really don't think you could call the SI covermodel selection "random." Putting Beyonce on the cover... now THAT'S random.


yeah I think the "music issue" means music edition of the swimsuit issue, like they've had themes in years past as well... lat year was the reunion or whatnot.

But I really agree that beyonce on the cover is a bad move. The magazine was criticized so much last year for its sub-par photos, and this year they should have focused on drawing people in.

Unfortunately, in today's world, a celebrity on a magazine cover is like hot dog at a ball game. Its normal, hell its stereotypical. Just try to make it through a magazine stand or checkout line without seeing a celebrity plastered on multiple covers.

What SI should have focused on this year was putting a drop-dead gorgeous shot on the cover, so that people wouldn't be able to help but pick it up as they pass by. As it stands now, its more of a news item than a draw. People will look at it and go, oh beyonces on the cover this year, then keep walking. Unless they're die hard fans of beyonce, in which case you probably didnt need her on the cover anyway, as they'd search it out or discover on their own.

Either way, I think the magazine itself, or maybe I should just say the pictures online, are fantastic. I don't like any of the beyonce ones though, and frankly I think almost all of marisa's pictures, and most of the others, were better than hers. Its just a shame she got the cover so undeservedly.

Marisa Miller (HQ)


Please do not remove the tags and make sure you give credit to the scanner if you post these images elsewhere. Thanks! :flower:


now, i've never been a fan of Marisa Miller ... but her body is insane! absolutely perfect for swimsuits and THIS pic should've been the cover. it's actually magnificent.


I can't believe a bunch of you prisses are getting your panties in a bunch about Beyonce being in it and refusing to buy it. Grow up. It's a T&A mag and it has T&A.

Plus, just my opinion Beyonce is too fat umm thick for swimsuit.

OMG. That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.

Sad. Simply sad.

I agree she is a little thick, but then again supermodels are perfect. Beyonce is an average woman with talent and a beutiful face.

Plus, just my opinion Beyonce is too fat umm thick for swimsuit.

OMG. That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.

Sad. Simply sad.

I agree she is a little thick, but then again supermodels are perfect. Beyonce is an average woman with talent and a beutiful face.

I don't understand...why are supermodels perfect, even if we're simply talking about looks?

Most guys I know prefer her body to, like, Alessandra's - not because she's 'average' and they prefer that to 'perfection', but because they don't think "rail thin" = "perfect."


I wasn't outraged but I was shocked and pretty annoyed that Beyonce got the cover. I'm not going to comment more about this because the bickering is getting on my nerves. I don't think Beyonce deserved it, but that's just me. (And others as I can see)

I'm not going to point you out, but the person that commented that Ana B looks like a boy should get their eyes checked. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but if she did look like a guy, she sure as hell wouldn't have been in SI for the past 3 or 4 years now. IMO.

I'm not a fan of Marisa, but she deserves the cover. Her body is awesome, and she's been doing SI for some time. Ana, Marisa, or Irina (who rocked) or Alina, should have gotten the cover. And Fernanda looked amazing as well. But I was pretty dissapointed with everything else.

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