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Witcher 1 has tons of decent sidequests, pretty good for 2007.


Interesting that Shani has a significant role here- Blood and Wine concludes their relationship.


Halfway through witcher 1- interesting that the sidequests are heavily inspired by the book too but usually adopt the most simplistic form.  So much dejavu.  


Also there is the human vs. Elf partisan conflict presented in the game, which is significant part of the books and missing from Witcher 3.  I bet they will bring it back for Witcher 4, it is just too interesting of a topic to ignore again.


The show is also doing it.  I think storylines inspired by "Dances with Wolves"/"Avatar"/"Last of the Mohicans" is possible given that the Elves are the native Americans of the novels.

4 hours ago, SympathysSilhouette said:


The animator dude was pretty keen on her. :rofl:



She seems to have training as a gymnast?  Or ballerina?



This game is great.  The beginning of the game is deceptive.  Most games offload their best content in the beginning, and sometimes at the beginning and end.  But the Witcher 1 keeps on getting better and better.  This halfway point is the beginning of the most developed area of the first half of the game.  Overall there are more novel references in W1 than in Witcher 3.


I really believe now that CDPR could have had another success after W3 if they decided to remake W1 immediately after doing the DLC.  This would have been awesome and would have really binded the trilogy together, and especially enrich W3.  It would also buy more time for the company to work on Cyberpunk.


The W1 covers different ground than W3 and wouldn't overlap, and modern technology would have really extended the questlines into a 100 plus hour game. 


It would have been awesome if they recreated the events of the end of the novels for Act 1 of the game (with Yenn and Ciri) and expand their relationship beyond what was in the books.  This would establish a stronger continuity with Witcher 3.



Geralt has 26 romances in this game!


Finished Witcher 1 (base game), now onto DLC.  Outside of the combat, it is very well designed game and really ahead of its time.


The game's setting and story went from good to great about halfway in.  It is very strongly influenced by the novels with recurring characters and scenarios.  Overall, it is more like the novels than the W3.  Also, Dandelion plays a big role here like in the novels (and unlike W3).   My favorite areas were the rich part of Vizima and the "Murky Waters" Village.  A  lot of good atmosphere, characters, and quests.


Finished W1 DLC 1. It's very well written and entirely in the tradition of the short stories of the books.  This could be filmed into 1 or 2 episodes of the show.  I wouldn't be surprised if Netflix would do it.


However I have my doubts if Netflix would UNDERSTAND the books and the author's  sarcasm like CDPR does.  The Witches of the Lodge are meant to be a stand-in for controlling, elite class/ sociopath feminists who have egos the size of planets, similar to those that exist in every western country.  




I'm about a quarter way into my review of Witcher 2. 


TBH I do not like the game very much.  I like Witcher 1 way more.  In that sense W1 and W3 have more in common.  I think they made some strange stylistic choices for this game.  They chose detailed but dull and claustrophobic environments that are rather linear.  Also the improvements in graphics lead to more detailed character models but the character models themselves have an "uncanny valley"/creepy look to them that is highly distracting.  The game design seems to be influenced, negatively...by Assasin's creed/God of war franchises.  The combat gameplay is also rather standard for the time (2011) but badly outdated now.


 Also, the voice acting isn't very good and inferior to W3.  The writing of the game is very different from W1.  While W1 is very simplified, and punchy, it ends up being entertaining and integral to what's happening.  W2 dialogue is excessively expository, like the netflix show and rather boring.  Real people do not go into long, detailed rants about everything that's happening.  Geralt is actually..boring in this game while he was badass in W1.

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