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woah!! thanks layla :wave:

one of my fav. songs from her frank album

fuck me pumps

Cool song. So many songs about gold diggers, finally get to hear it from a woman's perpective. Remember, the "Frank" album wasn't avialable in the U.S. until JUST RECENTLY!!! Those songs on those album are relatively NEW TO US STATESIDE!!! Amy went to rehab, got 5 Grammys for the "Back to Black" album, and will hopefully get clean and stay that way. Too many talented people have fallen victim to their vices.

In the video, she looks healthy and naturally beautiful. Now, she looks too thin, uses too much makeup, and I'm not too crazy about the beehive. After seeing the video, forget back to black. She needs to get BACK TO THAT!!!


^i got her album long time ago

i have connections :brows:

actually saw her in concert in SF!

girl, got sense of humor!!

one of the funniest concert i've went 2!

she was effin' drunk!! i can't even tell you..

really thin almost anorexic looking n short!

i really do hope she get herself together coz i hate to see her talent go to waste.

we're not used to talent any more in our culture. we are used to hyper produced artists that can't produce in real life, on the stage with just a band. Thank you for Amy Winehouse.

and for her beloved 'BLAKE'

i can't believe he sold her pic so he can get high(OD and almost died) tsk..tsk..

what a disgusting pig!! he will not do her any good in her own rehab,

unless hes willing and wanting to clean up himself

and you know what's sad??!?! she's so in love with him that she'll do anything..agh!

I dont want to say too much more, I dont want to disrespect the man she loves so much.

But, man, thats sad. She deserves better.. his "NO GOOD!"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Found on ontd today, posted there by neererthemoon:

Amy Winehouse: Covered in Nothing but Tape, Scabs

In honor of naked celebrity week (well, that is, if Audrina, Kristin, and Ashley the call girl count as celebrities), Amy Winehouse is also taking her clothes off. Nope, it's not her usual cracked-out ramble through the streets in a dingy bra. This time Winehouse got her kit off for charity, stripping down for photographer Carolyn Djangoly to raise awareness about breast cancer among young women. The songstress appears nekkid in the April issue of British women's magazine Easy Living, where she's pictured strumming her guitar in the buff while covered only in two pieces of duct tape. Because looking scarily out of it (with a mild S&M twist) is just fine, as long as you're doing it for a good cause. Also stripping off for sick ladies? Actress Helena Bonham Carter and '90s crooner Sade.

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